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1069 Authors/Speakers


Dr. Stefan Neumeyer

Germany, Eschlkam

1973–1979: Studium der Zahnmedizin an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität in Würzburg und Auszeichnung mit dem Adolf-Lübeck-Preis. Seit 1981 niedergelassen in eigener Praxis. Seit 1986 implantologisch tätig. 1987–1999: wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Prothetischen Abteilung der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Universität in München (Prof. Dr. W. Gernet). 1987–2012: Gutachter für Prothetik, Parodontologie und Implantologie. 1993–2000: Fortbildungsreferent des ZBV Oberpfalz. 1999: Mitarbeiter des ICED (International Centre of Excellence in Dentistry), Eastman Institute London. 2002: Verleihung des Ehrenzeichens der Bayerischen Landeszahnärztekammer. 2009: Spezialist Implantologie DGZI. 2010: Master of Science in Parodontologie und periimplantärer Therapie. 2012: Specialist in Oral Implantology DGZI/GBOI. 2012: Gutachter für orale Implantologie (DGZI). Seit 1981 umfangreiche Entwicklungstätigkeiten auf den Gebieten: Zahnärztliche Instrumente, minimalinvasive Füllungstherapie, parapulpäre Stiftretention, Wurzelstifte, Spannungsoptimierung dentaler Implantate. Erfinder des „Aesthura® Implantatsystems“. Aktuelle Schwerpunkte: Minimal und non invasive Restaurationstechniken, Biologisches Gewebemanagement, Blade-Technologie

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Prof. Dr. Myron Nevins DDS

United States of America, Boston

Myron Nevins, DDS, is an associate clinical professor of periodontology at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine and a clinical professor of periodontics at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry and Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry. He is a past president of the American Academy of Periodontology and a former director and chairman of the American Board of Periodontology. He was also the coeditor-in-chief of The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry. Dr Nevins maintains a private practice limited to periodontics and implantology in Swampscott, Massachusetts, and is the founder and president of Perio Imp Research, Inc.

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Dr. Marco Nicastro

Italy, Roma

A graduate of the Faculty of Dentistry and Prosthodontics at the University of La Sapienza in Rome (Italy). He also completed studies in the field of prosthetics. He gained new experience in prosthetic procedures at Oral Design Center Roma, and in the field of new directions of esthetic dentistry by participating in courses conducted at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). His practice “Studio Dr. Nicastro” in Rome uses modern therapeutic methods. Minimally invasive procedures, shaping optimal occlusive conditions, integrating esthetics and functions, and finally, the methodology of digital dentistry set the tone for everyday practice in this therapeutic center. This renowned center is dominated by two specialties: esthetic dentistry and implantology, with a wide range of accompanying prosthetic procedures. He is a member of the Italian Dental Society and the Italian Academy of Dental Prosthetics , and one of the founders of the Interdisciplinary CAD/CAM Study. Author of many international publications, lecturer at national and international congresses in the field of esthetic restorative dentistry.

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Dr. Gaetano Noè

Italy, Piacenza

Dr Noè graduated from the University of Pavia, Italy, with a degree in Dentistry and Prosthodontics (July 1989). He is a full member of the Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry (AIOP), a specialist acknowledged by the European Prosthodontic Association (EPA), and a member of the International College of Prosthodontists (ICP). He has served as a guest speaker on prosthodontics at conferences and congresses and has authored and coauthored various publications on prosthodontics. He is a Lecturer in Prosthetic Dentistry at the Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry’s full-year courses and an Adjunct Professor in Prosthodontics at the University of Parma, Italy. Today, his focus is mainly on the field of dental and implant prosthetics.

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Francis Nohl

Francis Nohl is a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry. He is a Specialist Trainer in Prosthodontics and leads the dental implant team at Newcastle Dental Hospital. In addition he is Degree Programme Director for the Postgraduate Diploma in Dental Implantology. He has an MSc in Conservative Dentistry from the Eastman Dental Institute UK.

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Andreas Nolte

Germany, Münster

Andreas Nolte graduated as a Certified Dental Technician in Lübbecke in 1989 and worked at several dental laboratories through 1993. The following eight years he worked in an in-office laboratory. Following various stints in different areas of Germany and abroad in 2001 and 2002, he founded his own company Enamelum et Dentinum in Münster, where he has been running his own laboratory and training center since 2004. Nolte has authored several articles in dental and dental technology journals and has been a presenter on the international stage since 2000. He is a member of the editorial boards of Quintessenz Zahntechnik and Dental Dialogue and has been a member of “Group 65” for several years.

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John Nusstein DDS, MS

United States of America

Dr John Nusstein received his DDS from the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry in 1987. He served 12 years in the U.S. Air Force and completed his endodontic training at The Ohio State University in 1995, earning a certificate in endodontics and an MS for research involving intraosseous anesthesia. Dr Nusstein has been a Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics since 1999. He became a full-time educator at The Ohio State University College of Dentistry in 2000 and is now a tenured professor, was appointed Chair of the Division of Endodontics in 2006, and holds the William J. Meyers Endowed Chair in Endodontics. He has authored/coauthored over 100 scientific articles and 9 chapters in leading endodontic textbooks. His focus of research is local anesthesia and pain control and ultrasonic irrigation.

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Dr. med. Hans Peter Ogal


Dr. med. Hans P. Ogal Facharzt für Anästhesiologie, Leiter der Schmerzambulanz an der Aeskulap-Klinik Dr. Brandner, Zentrum für Ärztliche Ganzheitsmedizin, in Brunnen am Vierwaldstättersee/Schweiz, Dozent der Deutschen Ärztegesellschaft für Akupunktur (DÄGfA) und weiterer Fachorganisationen.

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Michael Okuji DDS, MPH, MBA

United States of America

Group Director, General Clinic
Academic Administrator, Division of Restorative Dentistry
School of Dentistry
University of California, Los Angeles

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