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1700 Authors/Speakers


Prof. Dr. Stefan Wolfart

Germany, Aachen

June 2, 1968: Born in Kempten im Allgäu; 1990–1995: Studied dentistry at the Philipps University of Marburg; 1993: Accepted into the German National Academic Foundation; 1996: Doctoral studies at the University of Marburg; 1997: Assistant dentist in a dental practice near Cologne; 1998: Completed his doctorate on the subject of “Temperature development in dentine during dental preparation”; Since January 1998: Research assistant at the Clinic for Dental Prosthetics, Propaedeutics and Materials Science at the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel; April 2000: Appointment as senior physician; May 2001: Appointment as “Specialist for Prosthetics” by the German Society for Dental Prosthetics and Materials Science; 2006: Completion of the implantology curriculum (DGI); May 2006: Completion of habilitation (topic: “Evidence-based assessment of dental esthetics to improve quality of life”); Oct 2008: Appointment at the RWTH Aachen University to the W3 Professorship Clinic for Dental Prosthetics and Biomaterials, Center for Implantology; Since Oct 2008: Director of the Clinic for Dental Prosthetics and Biomaterials, Center for Implantology at the University Hospital Aachen; Since Nov 2008: Clinical focus for many years on dental implantology and implant prosthetics. In addition to implantology and implant prosthetics, Prof. Wolfarts’s research focuses on dental esthetics, the clinical testing of new all-ceramic materials, and the associated improvement in quality of life. He is a certified implantologist of the German Society of Oral Implantology (DGI) and an ITI Fellow (International Team for Implantology); Sep 2014: His book “Implant Prosthodontics – A patient-oriented concept” was published by Quintessence Publishing.

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Prof. Dr. Anne Wolowski

Germany, Münster
Senior physician at the outpatient clinic for prosthetic dentistry and bio-materials, head of the psychosomatic and psychopathologic departments for dentistry at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster. Specialist of DGPro and DGFDT 1997 Work shadowing at the Orofacial Pain Center at Tufts University Boston. 2007 ADEE-Certificate for "Excellence in Dental Education" 2011 Walther-Engel-Award of the Association of Dentists in the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg 2016 Alex-Motsch Award of DGFDT Chairwoman of the study group Psychology and Psychosomatics in Dentistry, member of the Scientific Advisory Board of DGPro, of DGFDT, of "Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift", of the journal "Craniomandibuläre Funktionen", of the Academy Practice and Science and of the Konrad-Morgenroth-Förderergesellschaft e.V.. More than 100 publishings in professional journals and in the form of book contributions, co-editor of 2 books.
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Benjamin M. Wu DDS, PhD

United States of America

Benjamin Wu, DDS, PhD, received his dental degree from the University of Pacific, his postgraduate training in prosthodontics at Harvard School of Dental Medicine, and PhD in Materials Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has succeeded Dr John Beumer as Chair of the Division of Advanced Prosthodontics, and he is also Director of the Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology.  He is Former Chair of the Department of Bioengineering in the UCLA School of Engineering, and he holds formal appointments in the Departments of Materials Science & Engineering and Orthopedic Surgery.  Dr Wu has published over 250 peer-reviewed scientific papers and over 40 patents, and he received continuous National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding for his innovative research. His citations rank him among the top 2% of scientists according to Stanford‘s standardized citation metrics across all scientific disciplines. He is Fellow of the Academy of Prosthodontics and enjoys patient care in the UCLA Faculty Group Dental Practice.

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Nozomu “Noz” Yamauchi DDS, MS

United States of America, Honolulu

Dr. Yamauchi earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree, as well as his master’s degree and specialty certificate in endodontics, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Dentistry. He has conducted research and published papers in the field of regenerative endodontics, and co-authored papers on autotransplantation of teeth with Dr. Mitsuhiro Tsukiboshi (Amagun, Aichi, Japan). Dr. Yamauchi is a board-certified diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics. Island Endodontics, his private practice, is in Honolulu, Hawai’i. 

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Dr. Xia Yan

China, Beijing

Doctor of Stomatology (Center of Periodontology),
Periodontist, graduated from Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology,
Member of the Periodontology Committee of the Chinese Stomatological Association

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Dr. Jingwen Yang

Doctor of Stomatology, Prosthodontist, graduated from and Attending at Peking University and Hospital of Stomatology
Member of the European Association for Osseintegration (EAO), Member of the International College of Prosthodontists (ICP), Chinese Society of Stomatology, Temporomandibular Joint Diseases and Academic Committee member

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Hiromasa Yoshie DDS, PhD


Professor and Chair
Division of Periodontology
Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
Niigata, Japan

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Mohamed Younis

Germany, Tübingen

Dr. Homa Zadeh DDS, PhD

United States of America, Los Angeles

Dr. Homa Zadeh is an internationally renowned periodontist recognized for his clinical and scientific expertise. Dr. Zadeh is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology and Implant Surgery. He has served as tenured associate professor, of the post-doctoral periodontology (2012 to 2019), as well as Chair of Periodontology Section (2003-2006) at USC Ostrow School of Dentistry. Dr. Zadeh graduated from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) with a BS degree, followed by Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from USC Ostrow School of Dentistry. He completed post-doctoral clinical training in periodontology, as well as a PhD degree in immunology, at the University of Connecticut Health Center (UCHC) School of Dental Medicine and School of Medicine, respectively. Dr. Zadeh has lectured nationally and internationally in over 30 countries at prestigious conferences on topics ranging from aesthetics to minimally invasive periodontal and implant surgery, as well as tissue engineering.Dr. Zadeh served as president of the Western Society of Periodontology (WSP) in 2017, which is the largest regional periodontology society spanning the 16 western US states and Canadian provinces.Dr. Zadeh is the innovator of the VISTA technique recognized around the world as one of the most effective methods for the treatment of gingival recession. He has also innovated many concepts and devices, which have been patented and developed into products in clinical use in many countries.Dr. Zadeh has an extensive publication track, including over 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals and numerous book chapters. He serves as an editorial reviewer for many scientific journals.He served as a chartered scientific reviewer to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and chaired a scientific panel at the NIH Center for Scientific Review. Dr. Zadeh has served as the director of USC International Periodontal and Implant Symposium. Dr. Zadeh is the recipient of many honors and awards, including outstanding teaching award and outstanding service award from USC Ostrow School of Dentistry and many research grants.He is an active member of the American Academy of Periodontology, Western Society of Periodontology (WSP), Academy of Osseointegration (AO), American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID), American Dental Association (ADA), California Dental Association (CDA), San Fernando Valley Dental Association (SFVDA) and Santa Barbara Ventura Dental Association (SBVDA).

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Ronald Ordinola Zapata DDS, MS, PhD

United States of America

Ronald Ordinola Zapata, DDS, MS, PhD, is currently an associate professor of endodontics at the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. He earned his DDS degree from Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University in Lima, Peru, before pursuing advanced training in endodontics at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In 2014 he moved to the United States to continue this endodontic training, completing a 2-year advanced education in general dentistry at Larkin Community Hospital in Miami and an endodontic residency program at the IB Bender Endodontic Division of the Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia. Dr Zapata has published over 70 scientific papers and lectures internationally. He also serves at the associate editor of the International Endodontic Journal and is a member of the scientific advisory committee for the Journal of Endodontics.

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