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1700 Authors/Speakers


Dr. Lorenzo Breschi DDS, PhD, FADM

Italy, Bologna

Dr. Lorenzo Breschi received his DDS degree cum laude and PhD in Human Morphological and Molecular Sciences at the University of Bologna (Italy). He is now Full Professor and Chairman of Restorative Dentistry at the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences (DIBINEM) and Director of the Master in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry, at the University of Bologna (Italy). Prof. Lorenzo Breschi served as President of the following Academies: Italian Academy of Conservative Dentistry (AIC), International Academy of Adhesive Dentistry (IAAD), European Federation of Conservative Dentistry (EFCD), Dental Materials Group of the IADR (DMG-IADR) and the Academy of Dental Materials (ADM). Prof. Breschi is also an active member of the following societies: American Academy of Restorative Dentistry (AARD), Academy of Dental Materials (ADM), Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Conservativa e Restaurativa (AIC), Società Italiana di Odontoiatria Conservativa (SIDOC). Prof. Breschi is also Editor of Dentistry33, Associate Editor of the Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, and member of the editorial board of several international scientific journals. He is actively involved in research in restorative dentistry and he has published more than 300 original papers and review articles on peer-reviewed journals on different aspects of bonding, luting and aesthetic restorative materials.

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Dr. Stephane Browet

Belgium, Aalst

Stephane Browet was born in 1972 in Asse, Belgium. 

He finished dental school at the Free University of Brussels in 1995. 

He there then followed the Post Graduate Program Aesthetic Dentistry. From 1999 on, he taught rubberdam techniques and adhesive dentistry. He combines nationally and internationally teaching in rubberdam isolation, microscope dentistry, posterior and anterior composites, indirect restorations with a private practice focused on microscope aided restorative dentistry. 

From 2002 untill 2005, he was active in the Scientific Board Conservative Dentistry at the Institute for Continued Education of the Society of Flemisch dentists. He is also a past board member of the Belgian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, a past board member and member of the Academy of Microscope Dentistry, a member of the European Society of Microscope Dentistry, and an active member of the Bio-Emulation Group.

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Dr. Jeff Brucia DDS

United States of America, San Francisco

Jeff Brucia, DDS, is an assistant professor of dental practice at the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry, president-elect of the Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, and clinical director of the Foundation for Advanced Continuing Education occlusion study club. He is a recipient of the Gordon J. Christensen Lecturer Recognition Award. Dr Brucia is a full-time practicing esthetic and restorative dentist in San Francisco, California.

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Caroline Brydson


Caroline Brydson, BSc, obtained her bachelor's degree in nutrition from Ryerson University. Together with Dr. Dorothy Faulkner, RD, she has worked on recipe development and testing of Portfolio diet recipes. The result of this work was a booklet of recipes used in the original Portfolio diet study where research patients involved in the study were given her booklet as a guide. Since then she has been working in elderly care as a dietary and lifestyle consultant.

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Hervé Buatois DDS

France, Grenoble

Doctor of Dental Surgery, Claude-Bernard University, Lyon 1. Postgraduate in implantology, New York University (NYU), USA. Co-director of CampusHB continuing education center, Grenoble. Private practice in implantology and esthetic prosthetic rehabilitation, Grenoble. Author of the book "L'implantologie supra crestale" published in 2016 by Quintessence Publishing France.

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Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Buchalla

Germany, Regensburg

Dr. Nadine Buchholz

Germany, Bad Fallingbostel More information

Dr. Wolfram Bücking

Dr. Wolfram Bücking begann seine Karriere als Zahnarzt an der Universität Erlangen und zählt heute zu den bekanntesten und erfahrensten Zahnärzten Deutschlands. Als Autor von „Die Dentale Trickkiste“ und „Neues aus der dentalen Trickkiste“ ist Dr. Bücking nicht nur unter seinen Kollegen, sondern auch unter Studierenden der Zahnmedizin bekannt. Seine Bestseller sind mittlerweile in acht verschiedenen Sprachen erhältlich. Dr. Bücking begeistert sich vor Allem für funktionelle Ästhetik. Er ist Mitglied diverser Fachgesellschaften wie der DGZMK, DGP und AAP, ist nicht nur europaweit ein gefragter Referent, sondern auch in den USA, Mexiko, Ägypten, China und Indien ein gern gesehener Dozent. Seit 2010 wird er in der Focus-Ärzteliste geführt. Nun bereichert er das E-WISE Kursprogramm in seinen Online-Seminaren „Ästhetik braucht Funktion“ (Teil 1 und 2) sowie „Die dentale Trickkiste“.


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Prof. Dr. med. Volker Bühren

Germany, Murnau am Staffelsee

Oskar Bunz

Germany, Witten

Dr. Egon Burian

Germany, München