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    • Quintessence Publishing Italy
    ISSN (print) 2196-0224


    Issue cycle: Irregular
    Language: German

    Categories: Dentistry for the Elderly, General Dentistry

    Editor-in-chief: Prof. Dr. Ina Nitschke MPH
    QP Deutschland

    Official journal of:
    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Alterszahnmedizin (DGAZ)

    The "Zeitschrift für Senioren-Zahnmedizin" as a print version has been discontinued. Members of the German Society of Geriatric Dentistry (DGAZ) will receive a topic-related newsletter and the yearbook instead.

    Due to changes in the age structure of the population and an increasing proportion of people living to an older age, the number of seniors requiring dental care is continuously rising. The type of care required by geriatric patients will also shift increasingly in the future. This journal for geriatric dentistry covers the different aspects of dental treatment and care for elderly and old patients. It keeps the dental professional up to date on the latest scientific research findings and provides continuing education articles on geriatric patient care. The journal aims to provide a comprehensive source of information on dental science, geriatrics, and dental care to support its readers who are in daily contact with elderly patients. The journal has been inactive since the end of 2020.


    Prof. Dr. Ina Nitschke MPH

    Germany, Berlin

    Senioren-Zahnmedizin, 03/2017