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1060 Authors/Speakers


Dr. Jenny Abanto

  • Especialista en Odontopediatría por la Associação Paulista de Cirurgiões Dentistas - APCD (Brasil, 2007).
  • Máster en Odontopediatría por la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de São Paulo - USP (Brasil, 2009).
  • Doctora en Odontopediatría por la USP con Split PhD Fellowship en la University College of London - UCL (Brasil - Inglaterra, 2013).
  • Post-Doctora en Odontopediatría por la USP (Brasil, 2015).
  • Post-Doctora en Epidemiología por la Facultad de Salud Pública de la USP (Brasil, 2019).
  • Responsable por el Área de Salud Bucal del Proyecto de Salud y Nutrición Materno Infantil (MINA) en los Primeros 1.000 Días de Vida del Bebé de la Facultad de Salud Pública de la USP (Brasil).
  • Profesora Coordinadora de los Cursos Internacionales: Intensivo y Especialización en Odontología para Bebés de la Facultad de Odontología de la APCD - FAOA (Brasil, 2018-Actual).
  • Profesora Asistente del Máster en Odontopediatría de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (España, 2021-Actual).
  • Producción científica de 67 artículos completos publicados en revistas, 46 capítulos de libros publicados y 5 libros publicados de autoría propia. Autora de los libros: "Problemas Bucales en Odontopediatría: Uniendo la Evidencia Científica a la Práctica Clínica" (Español, 2014), "Odontopediatria: Evidências Científicas para a Conduta Clínica em Bebês e Pré-escolares" (Portugués 2018, Español 2019), "Primeiros Mil Dias de Vida do Bebê e Saúde Bucal : o que precisamos aprender!" (Portugués, Español, 2019) y "Passo a Passo para Condutas Clinicas na Odontopediatria" (Portugués, 2020).
  • Tiene experiencia en el área de Odontopediatría, primeros 1.000 dias de vida, prevención de la caries dental, epidemiología en salud bucal y calidad de vida relacionada a la salud bucal. Conferencista nacional e internacional.
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Rowida Abdalla DDS, MS

United States of America

Rowida Abdalla, DDS, MS, is Assistant Professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry at the University of Kentucky College of Dentistry in Lexington, where she is also the director of the dental anatomy, morphology, and occlusion course. Born and raised in Cairo, Dr Abdalla completed dental school, specialty training, and a master’s degree in operative dentistry in Egypt. She taught restorative dentistry for several years in Cairo and worked as a researcher in the National Center for Radiation Research and Technology. Dr Abdalla’s research focuses on the prevention of the damaging effects of radiotherapy on tooth structure, specifically for patients treated for head and neck cancer. In 2012, she moved to the United States for training at Eastman Institute for Oral Health in Rochester, New York, where she completed a fellowship in community dentistry and a residency in advanced education for general dentistry. Dr Abdalla was the 2014 recipient of the AMWPA merit award and was honored with an NAAMA grant for academic excellence. She has dedicated her career to teaching restorative dentistry and improving the skills of dental students.

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Dr. Jiro Abe

Japan, Tokyo
Dr. Jiro Abe graduated from Tokyo Dental College in1981. He developed the suction mechanism of mandibular complete dentures in 1999 and published "Successful Mandibular Complete Denture Suction for everyone". He has been expanding it throughout the world since 2004. He was the director of the Academy of Clinical Dentistry from 1999 to 2005 and its councilor from 2005 to 2009. He founded the Japan Denture Association and had been its chairman from 2006 to 2015 and has stayed active as a former president of the Japan Plate Denture Association since 2016. He is the instructor of Ivoclar Vivadent BPS International Clinical and GC & MORITA Complete Denture seminars, the lecturer of the Japan Dental Association and has been in various activities as a professor at the Tohoku University Graduate school of Dentistry since 2012 and at Kanagawa Dental College since 2013. Dr. Abe has also held many distinguished positions throughout the years and published the Quintessence book "4 Steps from Start to Finish Mandibular Suction Denture and BPS: a Perfect Manual-for All Types of Fully Edentulous Cases" and it was translated into English, Chinese and Korean in 2012. He plays an active as an international committee member of the American Prosthodontic Society in 2015.
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Dr. Karl-Ludwig Ackermann †

Germany, Filderstadt
Since 1976: Dentist. Since 1978: Active as clinician and in clinical science as well as in the field of perio-implant-prosthetic and maxillofacial implantology. Since 1983: Oral Surgeon, specialized in oral rehabilitation, periodontology, preprosthetic surgery, implantology and implant-prostheticApproved specialist in periodontology of the EDA (European Dental Association). 2000: Board Member of the German Society of Implantology (DGI). 2004: Visiting Professor at the Nippon Dental University Niigata, Japan. 2005: Part-time lecturer at the Steinbeis University, Berlin, in implant prosthetics and esthetic dentistry. 2007: Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Dental Implantology (ZZI). 2009: Board Member of the German Society of Dental, Oral and Craniomandibular Sciences (DGZMK). 2011: Honorary Fellow, Societas Implantologica Bohemica. Since 2016: Referent at the praxisHochschule Cologne.
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Dr. Enrico Agliardi

Dr Agliardi graduated with honors from the University of Milan in 1994, specializing in medicine and surgery. At the same university, he attained a specialization in maxillofacial surgery in 2000 and a specialization in orthodontics in 2005. Since 2009, Dr Agliardi has been in charge of the Special Rehabilitation Surgery department at the Department of Dentistry of IRCCS San Raffaele of Milan, and he is also a professor in the Special Rehabilitation Surgery Department at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University. For over 15 years, he has been involved in the implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of compromised patients with tilted and zygomatic implants.

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Dr. Alessandro Agnini

Italy, Modena

Dr. Alessandro Agnini graduated in 1989 from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. He practices in his Modena and Sassuolo offices, where he devotes himself exclusively to the disciplines of fixed prosthetics, periodontology, and implantology. Active Member of the Italian Academy of Osseointegration (IAO), Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (IAED), Digital Implant and Rehabilitation Academy (DIRA), International Digital Dental Academy (IDDA), from 2006 to 2020 Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry (AIOP). Founding member of the Italian Society of Prosthetics and Oral Rehabilitation (SIPRO). Author and coauthor of scientific publications in national and international journals and speaker at national and international congresses. Since 2011, he has been a speaker at www.dentalxp.com, of which he is a member of the editorial board. Author of the books The Digital Revolution: the Learning Curve and The Digital Revolution 2.0: Clinico-Technical Applications in Daily Practice published by Quintessence Publishing Italy in 2014 and 2022, respectively. ANDI Modena cultural secretary from March 2013 to March 2019. Founder, together with his brother, of Digital Dental Revoultion (DDR) Education, a company whose aim is to organize and participate in congresses and courses in Italy and abroad on dental updating.

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Dr. Andrea Mastrorosa Agnini

Italy, Modena

He works as a freelancer in Modena and Sassuolo, together with his brother Alessandro. He attended a master's degree cource at New York university in 2009 to 2011, with Dr Dennis Tarnow, Dr Christian Stappert, Dr Stephen Chu and Dr Michael Bral, among others, as teachers and mentors. He was in the academic year 2010 to 2011 Clinical Research Fellow of the Ashman Department of Periodontics and Implantology at New York University, working with Dr Sang Choon Cho. Since 2011, he has been a speaker at www.dentalxp.com where he is part of the editorial board. Author and coauthor of scientific publications in national and international journals and speaker at national and international congresses. Author of the books The Digital Revolution: the Learning Curve and The Digital Revolution 2.0: Clinicao-Technical Applications in Daily Practice published by Quintessence Publishing Italy in 2014 and 2022, respectively. Founder, together with his brother Alessandro, of DDR Education, a company whose aim is to organize and participate in congresses and courses in Italy and abroad on dental updating. Active member of DIRA since 2020, active member of the Digital Dentistry Society (DDS) and founding member of SIPRO.

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Irfan Ahmad BDS

Saudi Arabia

Consultant Prosthodontist
Department of Substitutive Dental Sciences
College of Dentistry
Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University
(formerly University of Dammam)
Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Zeynab Ahmed

Switzerland, Basel

Prof. Dr. Mario Aimetti

Italy, Torino

Mario Aimetti is the director of the Periodontology Department CIR Dental School at the University of Turin, where he is also the chairman of both the under- and postgraduate periodontology programs. He is an active member and president of SIdP 2018–2019.

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Dr. Louie Al-Faraje DDS

United States of America, San Diego, CA

Dr. Louie Al-Faraje literally defined and authored the art of Oral Implantology. As a leading authority, he created many classifications and techniques, the standards by which oral implantology surgical procedures can be successfully performed. His name has become synonymous with results-oriented oral implantology treatments around the world. A highly experienced clinician, educator and innovator, Dr. Louie Al-Faraje is continually advancing the protocols for oral implantology surgical treatments. His California Implant Institute in San Diego, California utilizes today's most innovative and effective clinical solutions to create and maintain optimal oral health using dental implants and bone grafting procedures. Additionally, he is a board-certified, practicing oral implantologist in San Diego California, as well as an author and educator, who presented hundreds of lectures and trained hundreds of dentists throughout the world. He is the author of a bestseller textbook Surgical Complications in Oral Implantology published by Quintessence in 2011 and available in 7 languages, Oral Implantology Surgical Procedures Checklist Quintessence 2012, Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy for Oral Implantology Quintessence 2013, Oral Implantology Review Quintessence 2016 and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Oral Implantology (JOI). Dr. Louie Al-Faraje received his medical education at Kiev Medical School/ faculty of Stomatology and followed by postdoctoral training at Loma Linda University in California. Visit his website at: www.implanteducation.net

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Fahad Al-Harbi BDS, MSD, DScD

Saudi Arabia

Professor of Prosthodontics
Department of Substitutive Dental Sciences
College of Dentistry
Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (formerly University of Dammam)
Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Prof. Dr. Dr. Bilal Al-Nawas

Germany, Mainz

Professor Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Bilal Al-Nawas is Chairman of the Department of Oral, Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery at the J. Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany. He has been Adjunctive Associate Professor at Kyung Hee University School of Dentistry, Seoul, Korea since 2009. Professor Al-Nawas’ major clinical and scientific focus in dental implantology is on clinical studies and basic research. His clinical field of work is compromised patients with risk factors or local bone deficiency, as well as tumor and cleft reconstructions. He has published over 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals. He sits on the ITI Board of Directors and the ITI Research Committee, is an ITI Fellow and ITI Education Delegate of the ITI Section Germany. He was twice awarded “Best Teacher at the Medical Faculty”. He is Past President of the International Federation of Dental Anesthesiology Societies (IFDAS) and Secretary General of the German Society of Implantology (DGI).

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Prof. Dr. Tomas Albrektsson

Sweden, Göteburg

Tomas Albrektsson joined P I Branemark's team in 1967 and has since been active in applied osseointegration research of oral, craniofacial and orthopedic implants. Albrektsson graduated from Gothenburg University (MD:1975; PhD:1979) where he has served as Professor & Head of the department of Biomaterials from 1986. He has been a visiting professor at Eastman Dental, University College of London since 1998, Laney visiting professor of the Mayo clinic in the US in 2008, is a visiting professor in the prosthodontics department of Malmö University and is a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. He has presented more than 1100 lectures and published scientific and clinical papers in various peer-reviewed journals.

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Prof. Rodrigo Albuquerque


– Associate professor of Operative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, UFMG.
– Professor of Integrated Clinic at the College of Dentistry at the University of Itaúna, MG.
– Master’s and PhD in Operative Dentistry, College of Dentistry of Araraquara, UNESP.
– Specialist in Operative Dentistry from APCD in Araraquara, SP.
– Postdoctoral fellow in Operative Dentistry, College of Dentistry of Piracicaba, UNICAMP.
– Co-director of the residency program in operative dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Itaúna, MG.
– Director of the extension project “Restoration of Teeth with Dental Trauma”, College of Dentistry, UFMG.
– Tutor of LAOR – Academic League of Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, UFMG.
– Co-author of seven books on esthetic dentistry.
– Supervised dozens of specialization monographs, master’s dissertations, and doctoral theses.
– Dozens of scientific papers published in Brazil and abroad.
– Holder of two patents.
– Numerous courses given in Brazil and abroad.
– Board member of the Minas Gerais Dentistry Academy. Member of GBPD – Brazilian Group of Professors of Operative Dentistry.
Active Member of SBPqO – Brazilian Society of Dental Research. Member of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research. Member of SBOE – Brazilian Society of Esthetic Dentistry.
– President of the 13th CIOMIG – International Dental Congress of Minas Gerais.

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R. G. "Wick" Alexander DDS, MSD

United States of America

Clinical Professor of Orthodontics
Baylor College of Dentistry
Dallas, Texas

University of Texas Dental Branch
Houston, Texas

New York University Dental School
New York, New York

Private Practice Limited to Orthodontics
Arlington, Texas

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Federico Hernández Alfaro MD, DDS, PhD, FEBOMS

Spain, Barcelona

Prof. Hernández-Alfaro studied medicine and dentistry and specialized in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Barcelona, Spain. He obtained his PhD at International University of Catalonia , and is Diplomate by the European Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. He is currently Chief of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Teknon Medical Center, the largest private facility in Spain. He is also Professor and Chairman of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain). Dr. Hernández Alfaro’s main interest is Orthognathic and Preprosthetic Surgery and has published, and lectured worldwide in these fields.

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Rahaf Y. Alhabbab BDS, MsD, DABOMS

Saudi Arabia

Rahaf Y. Alhabbab, BDS, MsD, DABOMS, is currently an oral and maxillofacial surgery consultant at King Fahad Hospital General in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. She is the founder and head of the orthognathic surgery unit there as well as the residency program director of the Saudi boards. She received her advanced oral and maxillofacial training at McGill University in Montreal after finishing her education at King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia, the University of Connecticut, and New York University. In the United States, she is board-certified in OMFS and three subspecialties (cosmetics, orthognathics, and facial trauma reconstruction). In addition to her academic affiliations, Dr Alhabbab is currently the chairman of the Saudi Board Western Region, the head of the Western Region Examination Committee, and the head of the scientific program of the Saudi Board Western Region in the Saudi Commission of Health Specialty.

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Dr. Giuseppe Allais

Italy, Turin

General dentist leads a mono professional practice in Turin, Italy and Zürich, Switzerland. He graduated from the University of Turin, continued his training as an Assistant in the Prosthodontic Department of the same University headed by Prof. Giulio Preti, then at the Department of Masticatory disorders and Prosthodontic of the University of Zurich directed by Prof. Sandro Palla and attending the Department of surgery at the University of Bern and conducted by Prof. Daniel Buser. Focused on biologic, physiologic and human aspects of dentistry.

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