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25 Authors/Speakers


Dr. Newton Fahl Jr. DDS

Brazil, Curitiba

Dr. Newton Fahl Jr. received his DDS degree from Londrina State University, Brazil, in 1987. In 1989 he received the Certificate in Operative Dentistry and Master of Science degree from the University of Iowa, USA. After returning to Brazil, he settled in Curitiba, where he maintains a private practice emphasizing esthetic and cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Newton Fahl, Jr. is a member of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (AAED), and founding member and past-president of the Brazilian Society of Aesthetic Dentistry (BSAD). He is a MCG-Hinman Foundation fellow. Dr. Fahl is the recipient of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry 2008 President´s Award for Best Teacher, and the recipient of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry 2011 Excellence in Cosmetic Dental Education Award. Dr. Fahl has published several enlightening articles on direct and indirect bonding techniques. He is on editorial board of several peer-reviewd journals. He is an active consultant for several manufacturers in the development and refinement of new materials and techniques. Since 1990, Dr. Fahl has dedicated himself to teaching esthetic restorative dentistry at a post-graduate level and has accumulated much experience in the art and science of teaching. He is director of the FAHL CENTER in Curitiba, Brazil where he conducts hands-on and courses on direct and indirect adhesive restorations.

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Dr. Susanne Fath

Germany, Berlin

ZTM Vincent Fehmer BDT, MDT

Switzerland, Geneva

Vincent Fehmer, MDT, received his dental technical education and degree in Stuttgart, Germany, before completing fellowships in Great Britain and the United States in Oral Design–certified dental technical laboratories. After working several years in such a laboratory in Berlin, he received his MDT degree and became the chief dental technician at the Clinic for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics in Zurich, Switzerland. Since 2015, he has been a dental technician at the Clinic for Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials in Geneva, Switzerland. He also runs his own laboratory in Lausanne. Mr Fehmer is a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology, an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED), and a member of the Oral Design group as well as the European Association of Dental Technology (EADT) and the German Society of Esthetic Dentistry (DGÄZ). He is a sought-after international speaker and has received many honors for his work, including the Kenneth Rudd Award from the American Prosthodontic Society. He has published more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals within the field of fixed prosthodontics and digital dental technology, contributed to many books, and recently coauthored the book Fixed Restorations: A Clinical Guide to the Selection of Materials and Fabrication Technology with Irena Sailer and Bjarni Pjetursson. Mr Fehmer also serves as Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, Section Editor for the International Journal of Prosthodontics, and co-chair for the 26thInternational Symposium on Ceramics (June 2023).

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Prof. Dr. Pietro Felice MD, DDS, PhD

Italy, Bologna

Prof. Pietro Felice graduated in Dentistry and subsequently in Medicine at the University of Bologna. He completed his research doctorate in Dermatological, Maxillofacial and Plastic Reconstructive Sciences. He is currently Associate Professor of Dental Sciences at Bologna University lecturing in Oral Surgery and in Implant Surgery in the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prostheses. He is Head of the Post-graduate School in Oral Surgery and Director of the Master Degree in Implant and Bone Augmentation Surgery. Prof. Felice has published many articles in international journals and serves on the editorial board of specialist international journals. He is a member of leading international associations of implantology and dental surgery.

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Dr. Mirela Feraru

Israel, Tel Aviv

Mirela Feraru, D.M.D. graduated in 2005 from the Dental Faculty of the Timisoara University, Romania. She was an integral part of the Bichacho Clinic team from 2009 till 2022, focusing on interdisciplinary modalities, she gained in-depth knowledge and experience in all fields of perio-prosthetic esthetic dentistry, concentrating on restorative and perioplastic surgery treatments. As well as publishing internationally, she pursues her passion for sharing her experience and skills with others by lecturing, teaching and mentoring world-wide on complex esthetic restorative treatments and interdisciplinary perio-prosthetic concepts and treatment. She has also authored the bestseller book Dental Visualization, published by Quintessence Publishing in 2018

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Dr. Federico Ferraris DDS

Italy, Alessandria

Born on 10th of August 1974 in Alessandria, Italy. Graduated in Dental School at Genoa University as DDS in 1999. ADHESTHETICS founder. EAED (European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry) Active Member since 2006. AIC (Italian Academy of Conservative) Active Member since 2007. Vice-president from 2016 to 2019. President elect for the biennium 2022-2023. SCAD (Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry) Regional Councilor for Europe of for the biennium 2013/14 and 2015/16. Secretary for biennium 2017-2018. President elect for the biennium 2021-2022. Member of the Editorial Board of IJED (International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry) since 2010. AARD (American Academy of Restorative Dentistry) Member since 2014. DSD (Digital Smile Design) Master since 2013. International speaker at dental congresses and courses in more than thirty Countries. Other informations: National President of AISO (Italian Association of Dental Students) in 1997-99. Trainer at the Dr. Massironi Prosthodontics Annual Master Course from 2004 to 2018. Co-author of several Italian and International scientific publications including the book on Prosthodontics “Precision in Dental Esthetics” by D. Massironi, R. Pascetta, and G. Romeo published in 2004. Active and Founder Member of MSC (Massironi Study Club) from 2007 to 2018. Active and Founder Member of GICC (Interdisciplinar Gymnasium CAD CAM) from 2007 to 2016. Visiting Professor in Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry in different Universities: Genoa University (IT), University of Pisa (IT), Insubria University of Varese (IT), Alma Mater University of Bologna (IT), Dental School of Torino (IT), CEU University San Pablo of Madrid (ES), University of Almeria (ES), Universidad Europea de Madrid (ES), New York University (USA), University of Washington in Seattle (USA). Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences in the Associated Faculty of the School of Dental Medicine of the Upenn University in Philadelphia since January 2020 until June 2022. IAED (Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry) Active Member since 2011. IAAD (International Academy for Adhesive Dentistry) Member since 2013. Dental practice in Alessandria, focusing in Operative Dentistry and Prosthodontics.

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Dr. Shadi Fietz

Germany, Kichheimbolanden More information

Prof. Dr. Andreas Filippi

Switzerland, Basel

Prof. Dr. Andreas Filippi is a specialist in Oral Surgery. He is the Clinical Director of the Department of Oral Surgery, University Center for Dental Medicine Basel UZB, Switzerland. Since 2006, he has been Founder and Head of the Center of Dental Traumatology Basel, and since 2016, Founder and Head of the Center of Salivary Diagnostics, Hyposalivation and Halitosis Basel.

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Dr. Kerstin Finger MA

Germany, Templin

Prof. Dr. Joseph P. Fiorellini DMD, DMSc

United States of America, Philadelphia

Joseph P. Fiorellini, DMD, DMSc, is a professor in the Department of Periodontics and the director of the Advanced Graduate Program in Periodontics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, trustee for the American Academy of Periodontology, board director for the Academy of Osseointegration, and a consultant for American Dental Association Commission for Continuing Education Recognition Program. He has published over 100 manuscripts, reviews, and textbook chapters. Dr Fiorellini serves as the associate editor of The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, is a member of several editorial boards, and is the recipient of several awards.

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Dr. med. T. Fischer

Germany, Potsdam

Dr. Mauro Fradeani MD, DDS

Italy, Pesaro

Mauro Fradeani, MD, DDS, is the founder and director of ACE Institute and Fradeani Education. He serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry and is an associate editor of The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry. He is the author of Esthetic Rehabilitation in Fixed Prosthodontics, Volume 1: Esthetic Analysis: A Systematic Approach to Prosthetic Treatment (Quintessence, 2004) and Volume 2: Prosthetic Treatment: A Systematic Approach to Esthetic, Biologic, and Functional Integration (Quintessence, 2008). Dr Fradeani maintains a private practice limited to prosthetics on natural dentition and on implants in Pesaro, Italy.

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Dr. Michael Frank

Germany, Frankfurt (Main) More information

PD Dr. Rene Franzen

Germany, Aachen
2001-2011: Scientist at RWTH Aachen University. 2011: Head of Preclinical Research and Education an der AALZ Aachen Dental Laser Center GmbH. 2011: Visiting scientist at RWTH Aachen University.
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Prof. Dr. medic. (RO) Alina Fratila

Germany, Bonn

Alina Fratila ist seit vielen Jahren als renommierte Ärztin in der ästhetischen Chirurgie und Dermatologie tätig.

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Prof. Dr. Cornelia Frese

Germany, Heidelberg

Prof. Dr. Cornelia Frese ist Leitende Oberärztin/Stellvertretende Ärztliche Direktorin der Poliklinik für Zahnerhaltungskunde des Universitätsklinikums Heidelberg. Sie ist Spezialistin für Präventive und Restaurative Zahnheilkunde der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Zahnerhaltung (DGZ) und Spezialistin für Seniorenzahnmedizin der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Alterszahnmedizin (DGAZ).

Forschungsschwerpunkte: Mundgesundheit und Präventionskonzepte in Risikogruppen (z.B. Hundertjährige und Hochbetagte), Entwicklung, Beschreibung, Implementierung und Evaluation neuer Therapieverfahren mit direkten Kompositmaterialien, experimentelle Zahnerhaltung (Mikrobiologie und Biomaterialforschung).

Autorin zahlreicher Fortbildungsbeiträge zu o.g. wissenschaftlichen und klinischen Schwerpunkten

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Dr. med. K. J. Friedrich

Germany, Wolfsburg

Prof. Dr. Stuart J. Froum DDS

United States of America, New York

Stuart J. Froum, DDS, is a clinical professor and the director of clinical research in the Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry at the New York University Krieser Dental Center. He is a past president of multiple organizations, is the recipient of several awards, and serves on the Research Committee of the Academy of Osseointegration. Dr Froum is the editor of Dental Implant Complications: Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010) and maintains a private practice limited to periodontics and implant dentistry in New York City.

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Dr. Jan Frydensberg Thomsen

Denmark, Copenhagen

Jan Frydensberg Thomsen graduated from the Copenhagen School of Dentistry in 1986 and works as a dentist at Specialtandlaegerne Sjaelland.

Jan’s clinical work primarily involves oral reconstructions and aesthetic treatments (both with composite and porcelain), as well as addressing bite functional problems.

Jan conducts courses nationally and internationally in oral rehabilitation, digital techniques, and aesthetic treatment.

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