Helga Schörgendorfer lebt und arbeitet in Grieskirchen, Oberösterreich. Sie ist diplomierte Yogalehrerin und Aerobictrainerin, ausgebildet in Traditioneller Chinesischer Heilkunst, Qigong und Yogatherapie. Ihre Lebens- und Arbeitseinstellung – sich und ihr Wissen ständig zu erweitern, fortwährend dazuzulernen und das Erfahrene weiterzugeben – praktiziert sie neben ihrer Lehr- und Vortragstätigkeit in ihren beiden Yoga-Bewegungsstudios „YOGO“. Ihre Kursangebote umfassen Yoga, Qigong, Akupressur, Meditation, Workouts, verschiedene Therapieformen und Fortbildungen sowie Methoden zur Gesundheitsförderung.
Educated as dental technician from 1979 – 1983 in Hamburg; Examination for the grade of master, April 22nd, 1992 in Munster, NRW. Working as practical technician for one year Working in commercial laboratories in Bielefeld from 1985-1988 Self-employed since 1989 in Bielefeld; Journalist for “Quintessenz der Zahntechnik”; Advisory function, Product development, Marketing concepts, Product photography (Dental, Food, Lifestyle), Presentations; Foundation of an institution for further education in 1988; National and international lectures; External consultant in Germany, Italy, Poland, Hungary, England, Benelux, Bosnia, USA, Canada, Russia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and South Africa Numerous publications; Inventor of FB Analyzer, Tribos V-shade, Denture Art, Carrara Paint
Dr. Schupp graduated in dentistry in 1985 from the University of Münster and continued his studies here as a postgraduate student of orthodontics under the direction of Prof. Dr. U Ehmer. Collaboration in the orthodontic private practice of Dr. DE Toll followed and since 1990, he has been in private practice as an orthodontics specialist in Cologne, Germany. In his office, over 6000 patients have been treated with aligner orthodontics. He is certified in Manual Medicine and Osteopathy for Orthodontics. Dr. Schupp is a founding member and past president of the German Board of Orthodontics and Orofacial Orthopedics, and a board member of the German Society of Aligner Orthodontics (DGAO). He is also founder and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Aligner Orthodontics (JAO) and an advisory board member for the periodical Manuelle Medizin. He has published various articles concerning orthodontics, function, and pain therapy. He has written the books Funktionslehre in der Kieferorthopädie and Kraniomandibuläres und Muskuloskelletales System, as well as the first edition of Aligner Orthodontics, published in 2016 (Quintessence Publishing) and translated in several languages. Dr. Schupp is also visiting professor at the Capital University, Beijing, China.
Prof Dr Nanna Y Schürer, Dermatologist and international lecturer, Department of Dermatology, Environmental Medicine and Health Theory, University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany