Dr. Hans van Pelt, MSc, PhD, Zahnarzt und Spezialist für Prothetik (EPA) und Restaurative Zahnmedizin (NVvRT), Visiting clinical professor, Medizinisches Zentrum, Universität Groningen/Niederlande
Tomaso Vercellotti, MD, DDS is the inventor of Piezosurgery and the developer of several piezoelectric surgical protocols, which have been published in numerous prestigious publications. Dr Vercellotti is Founder and International Chairman of the International Piezoelectric Bone Surgery Academy (IPA), Honorary Professor and Faculty at the University College of London Eastman Dental Institute, and Honorary Member of the Schluger-Ammons Study Club. He is an active member of numerous professional associations and the 2005 recipient of the Andi Award from the Italian Dental Association (AIO) for scientific and cultural merit. He has authored some of the most important scientific and clinical studies on piezoelectric bone surgery as well as the book Essentials in Piezosurgery: Clinical Advantages in Dentistry (Quintessence, 2009). Dr Vercellotti has dedicated over 30 years to the rehabilitation of complex cases and currently maintains a private practice specializing in periodontology and implantology in Genoa, Italy.
Dr Debora R. Vilaboa graduated from the Complutense University Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in Madrid. The same year, she was accepted at the Seville School of Dentistry, where she obtained her dental degree. Later on she chose to attend the Advanced Pediactric Dentistry Program at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. After establishing the Vilaboa Clinic in 1987, she found that some cases could not be explained by caries nor periodontal disease and began gathering data. She lectured on tooth wear as early as 1992, both in Spain and the United States. Understanding how to approach the treatment of young children helped Dr Deborah Vilaboa in her work with tooth wear patients, many of whom had a fear of dentistry. As a pioneer in the field of porcelain laminate veneers, she treated such cases with a novel adhesive concept. Dr Debora Vilaboa soon became a member of the Spanish Society of Stomatological Prosthetics (SEPES) and the Spanish Society of Periodontology (SEPA). Her passion for treating patients and continuing education was rewarded in becoming an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED). She was then able to pursue her restorative and prosthodontic interests, thanks to a truly collaborative and generous exchange of knowledge among the active members that is still a driving force for the team at Vilaboa Clinic. She is also an active member of the Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (IAED). Dr Debora Vilaboa was invited by the San Pablo CEU University to create an undergraduate Esthetic Dentistry Department that she co-directs with her sister, Dr Beatriz Vilaboa. She lectures worldwide in esthetic dentistry, with a focus on tooth wear. She was a contributor to Esthetics in Dentistry (Quintessence, 2016). Given her medical background, Dr Deboarh Vilaboa is devoted to understanding and treating conditions arising from medical and oral imbalances, and through her research, she has obtained several patents related to her work. She is an active member of the American Academy of Oral Medicine (AAOM), a fellow member of the International College of Dentists (ICD), and an academic at the Pierre Fauchard Academy.
Dr Beatriz R. Vilaboa received her degree in medicine and surgery with honours from the Complutense University of Madrid from which she also attained her specialty in stomatology. She joined Clinica Vilaboa in Madrid soon after her sister Dr Debora R. Vilboa founded it in 1987. She enjoys her private practice at the Vilaboa Clinic, dedicated to esthetic and restorative dentistry.Her devotion to treating patients using the most conservative approach possible motivated her to embrace the adhesive-additive concept to provide solutions to the tooth wear patient. Her interest in tooth wear culminated with a PhD from San Pablo CEU University Faculty of Medicine in Madrid, where she is now Co-Director of the undergraduate Esthetic Dentistry department. Dr Beatriz Vilboa’s passion for teaching is also evident in the many courses that she and her sister have given over the last 30 years. Dr. Beatriz Vilaboa has the honour of being an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED) and the Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (IAED). She is also founding member of the International Academy of Adhesion (IAA). Her desire to better help patients suffering from cancer and other major medical conditions pushed her to become a member of the American Academy of Oral Medicine (AAOM). She is also a member of the Spanish Society of Stomatological Prosthetics (SEPES) and Spanish Society of Periodontology (SEPA), as well as a fellow member of the International College of Dentists (ICD) and an academic from the Pierre Fauchard Academy. She lectures worldwide on esthetic and restorative dentistry and especially on tooth wear. Dr Beatriz Vilaboa treasures friendship with colleagues worldwide and believes that the common passion for dentistry goes beyond borders.
Michael von Kunhardt hat sich vor vielen Jahren die Frage gestellt: „Was will ich wirklich, was ist meine Berufung?“ Heute ist Michael von Kunhardt unter anderem bekannt als Mentalexperte aus dem Sat1-Frühstücksfernsehen sowie durch wöchentliche Radiobeiträge zum Thema Wolhlbefinden und Motivation, z. B. bei Radio RPR1. Der Mentaltrainer von erfolgreichen Profisportlern, Nationalmannschaften und Olympiasiegern ist als stark gebuchter Redner und Coach zudem Impulsgeber und Entwickler für Führungskräfte zahlreicher DAX-40-Konzerne und mittelständischer Unternehmen. Er ist Preisträger des Deutschen Speaker-Slam und zählt seit vielen Jahren zu den Top-100-Rednern bei Speakers Excellence und bringt seine Kompetenz als Jurymitglied bei nationalen und internationalen Speaker-Wettbewerben ein. Seine besondere Authentizität erreicht Michael durch sein fortwährendes eigenes mutiges und engagiertes Wirken. Er ist als Hockeyspieler mehrfacher Deutscher Meister, Vizeweltmeister mit der Ü45-Hockey-Nationalmannschaft und gewann als Spieler WM-Bronze mit der Ü50- und Ü55-Hockey-Nationalmannschaft. Der Gründer der „von Kunhardt Akademie“ macht Mut, Selbstverantwortung zu übernehmen und das Leben dankbar und aktiv zu gestalten.
Prof. Wagner is a specialist in OMF surgery, plastic surgery and the science of oral medicine, in particular questions of tumor biology, in plastic surgery with cleft lip and palates, functional tumor reconstruction as well as fundamentals of implantology and bone replacement.
Michael P. Waliszewski, DDS, MsD, received his DDS from Marquette University School of Dentistry in 2002. He subsequently completed his postgraduate training in prosthodontics at the University of Washington in 2005. Upon graduation, he returned home to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as a clinical assistant professor at Marquette. While his transition to full-time private practice was complete by 2015, he maintained a part-time teaching position until 2022. He remains a full-time clinician who manages the real-world everyday issues of prosthodontics.