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Altamiro Flávio

Botulinum Toxin for Facial Harmony

1st Edition 2018
Hardcover, 22,2 x 30,3 cm, 160 pages, 359 illus
Language: English
Categories: Interdisciplinary, Facial Esthetics

ISBN 978-0-86715-787-1


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The mastery of dentistry brings esthetic knowledge of the face that is applicable to more than just the teeth. In the process of performing a complete facial analysis, the practitioner can identify asymmetries and concerns localized to an area—such as the forehead, eyebrows, nose, or lower face—and offer Botox therapy to increase facial harmony. This book outlines the many clinical uses for Botox, with detailed illustrations and case presentations to support each procedure. The first part of the book covers systematic facial analysis, photographic documentation, and treatment planning. Special attention is paid to the anatomy and physiology of the face and the identification of injection points. Detailed treatment instructions for dosage, syringe type, and needle size are included for each procedure, as well as guidelines on how to evaluate results anthropometrically to determine whether esthetic treatment goals have been met. This stunning book will change the way you approach facial analysis and widen your esthetic treatment options for patients.

Chapter 1. Basic Principles of Botulinum Toxin
Chapter 2. Facial Analysis and Photographic Documentation
Chapter 3. Muscles: Injection Technique and Location
Chapter 4. Clinical Cases

Dr. Altamiro Flávio


Altamiro Flávio ist Zahnmediziner mit Abschluss an der Goias Federal University. Seit 1992 ist er Spezialist für prothetische Versorgung und hat seit 2004 eine Professur für zahnärztliche Prothetik inne. Er ist Mitbegründer der Brasilianischen Gesellschaft für Botulinumtoxin und Gesichtsimplantate (SBTI) sowie Mitglied und wissenschaftlicher Koordinator der Brasilianischen Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde (SBOE). Neben seiner Tätigkeit in eigener Klinik veranstaltet er weltweit Kurse und Seminare, in denen er sein Wissen an Kollegen weitergibt.

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