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Jean-Marie Korbendau / Xavier Korbendau

Clinical Success in Impacted Third Molar Extraction

Series: Clinical Success
1st Edition 2004
Softcover, 136 pages, 258 illus
Language: English
Categories: Interdisciplinary, Oral Surgery, General Dentistry

ISBN 978-2-912550-18-7
QP France

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This clinical manual presents the current rationale and indications for third molar extraction, along with comprehensive, detailed information on treatment techniques such as radiographic examinations, anesthesia, surgical protocol, and germectomy. The clinician will also find practical advice for treating specific clinical situations such as the mesially inclined, horizontal, vertical, or distally inclined third molar, as well as special considerations for extracting maxillary third molars. The authors also offer strategies for effective patient management through every stage of treatment.
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