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Daniel Buser / Dieter Weingart / Hideaki Katsuyama

Sinus Floor Elevation Procedures

Multilingual Edition

Series: ITI Treatment Guide Series
1st Edition 2012
NTSC/PAL; Runtime: 54 min.
Language: English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese
Category: Implantology

ISBN 978-1-85097-230-3
QP Deutschland


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This DVD presents evidence-based sinus floor elevation (SFE) protocols outlined in volume 5 of the ITI Treatment Guide series. Five live surgical procedures demonstrate the use of lateral window protocols, simultaneous graft placement, bone harvesting, and piezoelectric surgery as well as the management of complications.

Im Zusammenspiel mit dem Band 5 des ITI Treatment Guides zu evidenzbasierten Methoden für Implantatversorgungen in der Alltagspraxis entstand diese DVD. Die Autoren stellen anhand von verschiedenen klinischen Situationen Behandlungskonzepte und Methoden zur Sinusbodenaugmentation vor, zeigen diese Schritt für Schritt und bieten damit praktische Informationen zur Bewältigung dieser chirurgischen Eingriffe.

• SFE with a Composite Graft Using a Combined Simultaneous and Staged Approach
Sinusbodenaugmentation mit Knochenaufbaumischung im kombinierten einzeitigen und zweizeitigen Verfahren

• SFE with Combined Lateral Augmentation in the Extremely Atrophic Maxilla
Sinusbodenaugmentation in Kombination mit lateraler Augmentation des Alveolarkamms im stark atrophierten Oberkiefer

• Bone Harvesting from the Retromolar Area
Knochenentnahme aus der retromolaren Zone

• Various Surgical Procedures
Verschiedene chirurgische Verfahren

• Failure and Complications
Fehlschläge und Komplikationen

Prof. em. Dr. med. dent. Daniel Buser DDS

Switzerland, Bern

Daniel Buser, DDS, Prof em Dr med dent, is one of the most experienced international implant surgeons, with 35 years of surgical experience. He is past professor and chairman in the Department of Oral Surgery at the University of Bern in Switzerland and past president of the European Association for Osseointegration, the Swiss Society of Oral Implantology, the Swiss Society of Oral Surgery and Stomatology, and the International Team for Implantology (ITI). He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the ITI Honorary Fellowship and the Morton Amsterdam Award. He has authored and coauthored over 400 publications and is editor of 30 Years of Guided Bone Regeneration (Quintessence, 2021), which was recently published in its third edition. Dr Buser is cofounder of the Buser & Sculean Academy, which offers continuing education courses in periodontology and implant dentistry, and lectures nationally and internationally.


Dr. Hideaki Katsuyama DDS, PhD


MM Dental Clinic, Center of Implant Dentistry (CID).

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