Francesco Pedetta, MD, DDS, graduated in medicine and surgery with a postgraduate dentistry qualification in Italy. In 1991, he joined the prestigious Postgraduate School of Orthodontics at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, where he gained his Certificate of Orthodontics under the guidance of Dr Robert L. Vanarsdall. After returning to Italy, he set up a private practice limited exclusively to orthodontics and temporomandibular disorders but continued to lecture at the University of Pennsylvania as well as at Perugia University. In 2012, he met the master of orthodontics, Dr Larry Andrews, who initiated him into the Six Elements philosophy, inspiring him to completely change his approach. Dr Pedetta then devoted himself to teaching this philosophy. He went on to develop his personal orthodontic approach known as the New Straight Wire approach, which incorporates all of Andrews's teachings in an up-to-date and effective method encompassing diagnosis, treatment planning, and therapy.
Paolo Pera, MD, DDS, PhD, graduated in medicine from the University of Turin, Italy in 1975. Professor Pera was a former postgraduate student of Professor Giulio Preti and specialized in dentistry in the University of Turin in 1979. Since 1980, he collaborated with the clinical, teaching, and research activity of the Prosthodontics Department of Turin University. He lectured as assistant professor at many Universities in Italy and abroad. In 1997 Professor Pera became a full professor of prosthodontics at the University of Genoa, Italy. Past president of the Italian Society of Prosthetic and Implant-Prosthetic Dentistry and of the Dental Hygiene School of the University of Genoa. Professor Pera currently heads the Department of Implant and Prosthetic Dentistry of Genoa University. He has published many papers in Italian and international journals and university books text. Since 2004 Professor Pera has been a reviewer for the International Journal of Prosthodontic.
Dr. Leandro Pereira received his DDS degree from the Brazilian Federal University of Maranhão School of Dentistry in 2009, subsequently completing his post graduate specialty degree in Prosthodontics in 2013 and Implant Dentistry in 2015. Currently he is in a full time private practice in São Luís, with particular clinical emphasis in the adhesive rehabilitation techniques and implant based restorative dentistry. Concurrently he is involved in the postgraduate dental teaching at the Specialization Course of Prosthodontics with the Syndicate of Dental Surgeons in partnership with FACSETE. He is a member of the Bio-Emulation™️ Group since 2011.
Medicina e Odontologia
Autora do Livro Esculpindo Faces
Mestre em Health Management
Prof.e Especialista em HOF
Giovanna Perrotti, DMD, is head of the Orthodontics and Children's Dentistry Unit at IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi in Milan, Italy. She teaches advanced courses on oral implantology as well as contemporary rehabilitation and reconstructive jaw therapy at the University of Milan. Dr Perrotti has a degree in dentistry and dental prosthetics with a specialization in orthognatodontics. Author of scientific papers on orthodontics and dental diagnostics, she is a member of the editorial boards of Quintessenza Internazionale, International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, Dental Cadmos, and CAD-CAM Digital Dentistry and is the coauthor of two multimedia collections for Med Tutor Odontoiatria (Utet Scienze Mediche, 2008 and 2014).
2003-2008: Studium der Zahnmedizin an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main. 2009-2012: Weiterbildung Oralchirurgie (Korbach, Soest). Seit 2012: Fachzahnarzt für Oralchirurgie. Seit 2012: angestellter Fachzahnarzt für Oralchirurgie (Soest). 2013: Promotion [Thema: Der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Fachkompetenz auf die inter- und intraindividuelle Bewertung der Ästhetik von implantatgetragenen Frontzahnkronen (Poliklinik für zahnärztliche Prothetik, ehem. Prof. Lauer)]. Seit 2013: Master of Science in Parodontologie und Implantattherapie (DG PARO). 2014: mehrfacher Preisträger (1. PEERS-Preis, 1. Friedrich-Kreter-Promotionspreis des zahnärztlichen Vereins zu Frankfurt am Main). Seit 2015: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Poliklinik für Parodontologie, Zentrum der Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main, Direktor: Prof. Dr. Eickholz. Seit 2015: Master of Science für Parodontologie und Implantattherapie (DG PARO). Seit 2016: Spezialist für Parodontologie® (DG PARO). Seit 2017: Oberarzt der Poliklinik für Parodontologie. Seit 2019: Fachzahnarzt für Parodontologie. 2020: Auszeichnung mit dem R. Earl Robinson Regeneration Award der American Academy of Periodontology. Seit 2021: Habilitation (Thema: Langzeiterfolge parodontaler Therapieverfahren) und Verleihung der Venia Legendi.
1991-1997 Studium der Zahnheilkunde an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. 1997 Approbation als Zahnarzt und Promotion zum Dr. med. dent. 1997-2000 Ausbildung zum Fachzahnarzt in der Poliklinik für Kieferorthopädie der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz bei Prof. Dr. H.G. Sergl. 2000 Fachzahnarztprüfung und Anerkennung als Kieferorthopäde. 2001-2002 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Poliklinik für Kieferorthopädie des Klinikums der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und Kursleiter des Kursus “Einführung in die kieferorthopädische Technik” für angehende Zahnärzte. 01.11.2002 Eröffnung der Praxis für Kieferorthopädie in Heppenheim. Gründungsmitglied und Vorstand der "Gesellschaft für Digitale Orthodontie“. Vortragstätigkeit zu kieferorthopädischen Fachthemen im In- und Ausland.
18 Jahre pharmazeutische Erfahrung: Leiter der medizinischen Abteilung, Fournier Pharma, Dijon/Frankreich, 1993-1994. Leiter der medizinischen Abteilung für Diabetologie, Lilly Deutschland, 1994-1998. Vizepräsident Medical & Marketing Europe und Deutscher Geschäftsführer der MiniMed Inc., Mainz/Deutschland, 1998-2000.