9. Mai 2024 — 11. Mai 2024
If you are a Dentist or a Dental Technician, you know that there is an aspect of restorative treatment that until a few years ago, patients considered marginal and was almost optional for us, which today is instead taken for granted and demanded whatever the restorative treatment being offered. Not offering it to patients creates the risk of being perceived at not being up to the task. That, despite have acted according to science and conscience, while arriving at an excellent therapeutic and technical result.
We are talking about Aesthetics, which obviously has subjective interpretations, but which at the same time is governed by universal and objective criteria that are now well codified in Dentistry.
To overcome this important challenge it is necessary to have clarity of ideas on how to design the new esthetic aspect for our patient, even with the use of modern digital systems. Furthermore, there are fundamental elements that will contribute to success: Knowledge of modern restorative materials and scientific literature data, mastery of workflows in different situations—starting from small anterior restorations to arriving at esthetic-functional rehabilitations on natural teeth or on teeth and implants, and finally, thinking in addition to the tooth, but also to the involvement of soft tissues.The added value is represented by the conservative approach that characterizes our Academy, based on minimal invasiveness and adhesion.Another fundamental aspect that characterizes today and tomorrow are the technologies and digital flows that AIC continues to investigate and share.
This is why “Aesthetics” will be a unique event, with the original AIC brand.
Graduated at Genoa University (Italy). Internship at the Department of Operative and Restorative Dentistry, University of Zurich under the guidance of Prof. F. Lutz; studying adhesive dentistry and its applications in operative and prosthetic dentistry. Teacher at University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy), for the year 2017, in Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry. Direct by Prof F. Mangani. Active Member of the European Academy Esthetic Dentistry (EAED); Active Member of the Italian Academy of Operative AIC (Accademia Italiana di Conservativa) since; Active Member of the Italian Academy Esthetic Dentistry (IAED). He has developed and published in 2015 and 2018 on the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry (IJED), a new and no prep approach to restore worn dentition: The “Index Technique”. Author of articles on adhesive and restorative dentistry and speaker in international courses and congresses. He currently practices at his office in Genoa, with multidisciplinary approach, but focusing on esthetics and restorative dentistry.
Dr. Lorenzo Breschi received his DDS degree cum laude and PhD in Human Morphological and Molecular Sciences at the University of Bologna (Italy). He is now Full Professor and Chairman of Restorative Dentistry at the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences (DIBINEM) and Director of the Master in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry, at the University of Bologna (Italy). Prof. Lorenzo Breschi served as President of the following Academies: Italian Academy of Conservative Dentistry (AIC), International Academy of Adhesive Dentistry (IAAD), European Federation of Conservative Dentistry (EFCD), Dental Materials Group of the IADR (DMG-IADR) and the Academy of Dental Materials (ADM). Prof. Breschi is also an active member of the following societies: American Academy of Restorative Dentistry (AARD), Academy of Dental Materials (ADM), Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Conservativa e Restaurativa (AIC), Società Italiana di Odontoiatria Conservativa (SIDOC). Prof. Breschi is also Editor of Dentistry33, Associate Editor of the Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, and member of the editorial board of several international scientific journals. He is actively involved in research in restorative dentistry and he has published more than 300 original papers and review articles on peer-reviewed journals on different aspects of bonding, luting and aesthetic restorative materials.
Dr. Clavijo schloss sein Studium der Zahnmedizin an der Universität Paulista (UNIP) ab. Später hat er sowohl einen Master als auch einen Doktortitel in restaurativer Zahnmedizin an der Araraquara Dental School, São Paulo State University (UNESP) erworben. Seine Spezialisierung in Implantologie erfolgte an der SENAC-Universität in São Paulo, Brasilien. Er führt eine Privatpraxis mit Schwerpunkt auf restaurativer und ästhetischer Zahnheilkunde. Dr. Clavijo hat mehr als 40 Fachbeiträge in Portugiesisch, Englisch und Spanisch veröffentlicht.
Dr. Feraru schloss 2005 ihr Studium an der zahnmedizinischen Fakultät der Universität Timisoara, Rumänien ab. Von 2009 bis 2022 war sie fester Bestandteil des Teams der Bichacho-Klinik, wo sie sich auf interdisziplinäre Behandlungsmethoden spezialisiert hat. Sie hat umfassende Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen in allen Bereichen der perio-prothetischen ästhetischen Zahnheilkunde mit Schwerpunkt auf restaurativen und perioplastischen Eingriffen. Neben ihrer internationalen publizistischen Arbeit verfolgt sie ihre Leidenschaft, ihre Erfahrungen und Fähigkeiten an andere weiterzugeben, indem sie weltweit Vorträge hält, unterrichtet und als Mentorin für komplexe ästhetische restaurative Behandlungen und interdisziplinäre perio-prothetische Konzepte und Behandlungen fungiert. Sie ist auch Autorin des Bestsellers Dental Visualization, der 2018 im Quintessenz Verlag erschienen ist.
Born on 10th of August 1974 in Alessandria, Italy. Graduated in Dental School at Genoa University as DDS in 1999. ADHESTHETICS founder. EAED (European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry) Active Member since 2006. AIC (Italian Academy of Conservative) Active Member since 2007. Vice-president from 2016 to 2019. President elect for the biennium 2022-2023. SCAD (Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry) Regional Councilor for Europe of for the biennium 2013/14 and 2015/16. Secretary for biennium 2017-2018. President elect for the biennium 2021-2022. Member of the Editorial Board of IJED (International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry) since 2010. AARD (American Academy of Restorative Dentistry) Member since 2014. DSD (Digital Smile Design) Master since 2013. International speaker at dental congresses and courses in more than thirty Countries. Other informations: National President of AISO (Italian Association of Dental Students) in 1997-99. Trainer at the Dr. Massironi Prosthodontics Annual Master Course from 2004 to 2018. Co-author of several Italian and International scientific publications including the book on Prosthodontics “Precision in Dental Esthetics” by D. Massironi, R. Pascetta, and G. Romeo published in 2004. Active and Founder Member of MSC (Massironi Study Club) from 2007 to 2018. Active and Founder Member of GICC (Interdisciplinar Gymnasium CAD CAM) from 2007 to 2016. Visiting Professor in Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry in different Universities: Genoa University (IT), University of Pisa (IT), Insubria University of Varese (IT), Alma Mater University of Bologna (IT), Dental School of Torino (IT), CEU University San Pablo of Madrid (ES), University of Almeria (ES), Universidad Europea de Madrid (ES), New York University (USA), University of Washington in Seattle (USA). Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences in the Associated Faculty of the School of Dental Medicine of the Upenn University in Philadelphia since January 2020 until June 2022. IAED (Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry) Active Member since 2011. IAAD (International Academy for Adhesive Dentistry) Member since 2013. Dental practice in Alessandria, focusing in Operative Dentistry and Prosthodontics.
Iñaki Gamborena, DMD, MSD, betreibt eine auf Ästhetik, Restaurative Zahnmedizin und Implantate spezialisierte Privatpraxis in San Sebastián. Er ist Gastdozent an der University of Washington Dental School in Seattle, an der University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine in Philadelphia und am Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, alle USA. Dr. Gamborena ist Chefredakteur von Quintessence Técnica (spanisch) und aktives Mitglied der European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry und der American Academy of Restorative Dentistry. Außerdem ist er Gründungsmitglied der Ponti-Gruppe. Dr. Gamborena wurde mehrfach für seine klinischen und akademischen Leistungen ausgezeichnet, unter anderem mit dem Preis des Bolender Contest der University of Washington. Er hat zahlreiche Artikel zur Implantatprothetik und Ästhetik verfasst und hält Vorträge zu diesen Themen.
Dr. Mintrone started his activity as a dental technician and then specialized as a ceramist in fixed prosthesis. After graduating in dentistry with honors from the University of Modena, Italy, he attended several courses on prosthetic dentistry and implant surgery. Dr. Mintrone is an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED). He is the winner of the 2011 and 2012 editions of the gIDE institute’s Master Clinician in Implant Dentistry. He has authored several articles published in international scientific magazines and lectures nationally and internationally on topics related to digital dentistry, implants and prosthodontics. In his private practise in Modena, Italy, Dr. Mintrone focuses his professional activity mainly on esthetics, prosthetic rehabilitation on implants and natural dentition.
Vincenzo Musella, DMD, MDT ist seit vielen Jahren als Zahntechniker tätig und widmet sich insbesondere der Herstellung prothetischer Restaurationen mit höchstem ästhetischem Anspruch. Auch nach seinem Studium der Zahnmedizin blieb er der Zahntechnik treu und übt diesen Beruf heute unter Anwendung modernster Technologien weiterhin aus. Dank seiner zahnmedizinischen und zahntechnischen Qualifikation kann Vincenzo Musella beide Fachgebiete im Rahmen seiner täglichen Arbeit optimal verbinden.
Dozent für konservierende Zahnmedizin an der Universität "Vita-Salute San Raffaele", Mailand. Aktives Mitglied der italienischen Akademie für konservierende Zahnmedizin AIC (Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Conservativa e Restaurativa), 2018–2019 Leiter des wissenschaftlichen Sekretariats der AIC, Mitglied des Kulturausschusses der AIC für die Jahre 2020–2021. Aktives Mitglied der IAED (Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry). Aktives Mitglied der italienischen Akademie für mikroskopische Zahnheilkunde AIOM (Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Microscopica). Dozent im Masterstudiengang Esthetics and Restorative Dentistry an der Universität Bologna. Visiting lecturer bei "Diplôme d'Odontologie Esthétique et Restauratrice", Universität Montpellier, Frankreich. Gründer des Projekts WeRestoreit (www.werestore.it). Niedergelassener Zahnarzt in Rom. Autor und Co-Autor von Publikationen in italienischen und internationalen Fachzeitschriften. Vortragstätigkeit bei italienischen und internationalen Kursen und Kongressen. Autor und Co-Autor von Kapiteln in den von Quintessence Publishing veröffentlichten Büchern EndoProsthodontics und Dentale Ästhetik: Workflow von A bis Z.
DMD degree from the Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. International Advanced Study Program in Aesthetic Dentistry University of New York. PhD by the Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. Member of the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics; Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics and Periodontics, University of Seville. Visiting faculty of the Advanced Aesthetic Program – New York University, US. Visiting Faculty of Universidad Europea de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Universidad Internacional de Andalucia, Spain; Author of several publications in international journals. Private practice in Marbella, Spain; DSD Key Opinion Leader; Scientific Consultant for VIAX THECNOLIGIES; Official reviewer for Journal of Esthetics and Restorative Dentistry.
Dr. Andrea Ricci absolvierte sein Studium an der Universität von Perugia im Jahr 1996. Im Jahr 1999 erlangte er nach einem dreijährigen Ausbildungsprogramm das Zertifikat in Fortgeschrittener Prothetik an der University of Southern California in Los Angeles. An derselben Universität hatte er auch didaktische Tätigkeiten. Seit 1999 konzentriert er seine Praxis auf Prothetik, Parodontologie und Implantologie mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf ästhetischen und funktionellen Rehabilitationen. Er ist aktives Mitglied der European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED), assoziiertes Mitglied der American Academy of Restorative Dentistry (AARD) und aktives Mitglied der Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (IAED). Er ist Mitglied mehrerer Ausschüsse in den Akademien, denen er angehört. Er ist Co-Autor mehrerer in internationalen Fachzeitschriften veröffentlichter Artikel. Dr. Ricci ist Gründer und wissenschaftlicher Leiter des IDEAT (Institut für Zahnmedizinische Ausbildung und Therapie), einer Bildungseinrichtung, die Vor-Ort- und Online-Schulungskurse für Zahnärzte organisiert. Seit 2004 hält er umfangreiche Vorträge in Europa, den Vereinigten Staaten, China, Singapur, Saudi-Arabien, Brasilien, den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und in Japan. Seit 2005 veranstaltet er Kurse für Zahnärzte und Techniker in seiner Praxis und weltweit. Im Januar 2018 wurde er nach 5 Jahren Ausbildung zum Coach der Roberto Re Leadership School ernannt, der größten Organisation für persönliches Wachstum in Europa. Im Dezember 2019 wurde er zum "besten Coach des Jahres" gewählt.
Born in Savona in 1961 where he lives and has worked in his own laboratory since 1982 with his collaborators. Graduated from the dental technicians school IPSIA “P.Gaslini” in Genoa in 1979. He continued his education by attending relevant workshops for the “Italian dental school “and furthered his professional experience in Switzerland, Germany and Japan. Particularly interested in the morphology and dental aesthetics, he has collaborated in the development of aesthetic dental restoration materials. and is author of “Techniques of Ceramic multistratification” (ed.UTET). He has created a manual for laboratory work on the use of composite materials by determining work protocols for the indirect technique and also for the technique of pressing composite structures on metal know as the “inverse stratification system” which he designed. He is the author of numerous articles on aesthetic restoration published in Italy and abroad. Some of his cases are published in the text “The conservative restoration of anterior teeth.”(ed.ACME) Vanini Mangani Klimovscaja. other clinical cases are presented by Dr. W. Devoto in the publication ”Restorative Dentistry: Treatment procedures and future prospects” (Ed. E. Masson). Active member EAED. Member and speaker SICED. Teacher-trainer in practical dental aesthetics at the graduate school of Brescia SICED.
Degree in Dentistry in Verona in 1997. From 2015 to 2017, adjunct professor for the entire issue of "Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics" at the degree course in Dentistry of the Univ. of Insubria (VA). Since 2015 he has been a lecturer in cariology at the II level Master in "Aesthetic Conservative Dentistry" (Univ. Of Bologna, Director Prof. L. Breschi). Active member of AIC and IAED. Founder of the TRAP group (Tooth Respect and Prevention), creator of the clinical cariology courses "Vincere la Carie". He has published and holds lectures in national and international contexts, on the subject of caries, its prevention and minimally invasive approaches. He works in his own studio in Trento using the operating microscope.
Nicola Scotti is Associate Professor in Restorative Dentistry at the University of Turin, Italy. PhD in Nanotechnology at the University of Trieste in 2015. Professor and Director of the post-graduate course in Restorative Dentistry and Aesthetics, University of Turin. Collaborator professor of the discipline “Preventive and minimally invasive procedures” for post-graduate courses at UNESP, San Paolo, Brasil. Tutor and Teacher in the PhD program in Bioengineering and Medico-Surgical Disciplines, University of Turin. Co-Advisor in the PhD program of ICT-UNESP, Campus de São José dos Campos, Brasil. International Collaborator Docent at the Post-graduate Program in Oral Sciences of the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brasil. Active member of the Italian Academy of Restorative Dentistry since 2014, Board member of the European Federation of Conservative Dentistry, Member of the IADR Dental Materials Group and the Academy of Dental Materials. Author of 104 articles on international scientific journals (Scopus: 1176 citations, H-index 22). Member of the editorial board and reviewer of international journals. Author of books focused on Restorative Dentistry and Dental Materials. Invited speaker in numerous national and international congresses.