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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Roberto Lapenta

Beyond Lingual Orthodontics / Más allá de la Ortodoncia Lingual

Volume 1: Lingual Biomechanics / Biomecánica Lingual

1st Edition 2016
English/Spanish language book; Hardcover, 27,5 x 27,5 cm, 604 Seiten, 527 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch, Spanisch
Kategorie: Kieferorthopädie

Artikelnr.: 7485
ISBN 978-84-89873-64-3
QP Spain


Im Vereinigten Königreich sind Bücher mehrwertsteuerfrei, d.h. der Preis, der Ihnen berechnet wird, enthält keine Mehrwertsteuer und wird auch nicht davon abgezogen. Unsere Multimedia-Produkte enthalten jedoch die Mehrwertsteuer. Die Preise für die Produkte in diesem Shop verstehen sich ohne Porto und Verpackung - es wird eine Versandgebühr erhoben. Die Produktspezifikationen können ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert werden. Bitte lesen Sie unsere Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und beachten Sie unsere Datenschutzbestimmungen.

With ever-increasing patient demands for esthetic orthodontic treatment, the use of lingual orthodontics is becoming more common in daily practice. This book takes the author's experiences from daily practice with lingual orthodontics—including mistakes and achievements, successes and failures—and translates them into useful, step-by-step procedures for the various applications of lingual orthodontics. All procedures are detailed with complete photographic documentation. Throughout, the author focuses on the patient-professional relationship, underscoring the point that the orthodontics should be performed for the patient, not the professional, and that the patient should always be treated as more than a malocclusion. To reach as many professionals as possible, the text is written in both Spanish and English (side by side), and each chapter has a QR code that links to demonstration videos online. A comprehensive look at lingual orthodontics, this book includes chapters on positioning, bonding, biomechanics, anchorage, micro-implants, friction, and dental crowding. It will surely become a standard text for any orthodontist interested in enhancing patient care with lingual orthodontics.

Chapter 01. Lingual orthodontics
Chapter 02. The doctor-patient relationship
Chapter 03. The characteristics of lingual brackets
Chapter 04. The positioning of lingual brackets
Chapter 05. Bonding in lingual orthodontics
Chapter 06. The biomechanics in lingual orthodontics
Chapter 07. The anchorage in lingual orthodontics
Chapter 08. Microimplants
Chapter 09. Friction in lingual orthodontics
Chapter 10. The resolution of dental crowding with lingual orthodontics

Daniel Silva • Andrea Kaplan • Regina Bass • Nayré Mondino • Fernando Pari • Giuseppe Scuzzo • Luca Lombardo • Ricardo Gallardo Acuña • Victoria Pezza • Jorge Rivera
Cover, TIFF (CMYK)

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