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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Daniel Angel Paesani (Hrsg.)


Theory and Practice

1st Edition 2010
Hardcover, 552 Seiten, 958 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorie: Funktionsdiagnostik und -therapie

Artikelnr.: 7071
ISBN 978-1-85097-191-7
QP Deutschland


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This comprehensive evidence-based guide to bruxism provides answers to many questions arising in everyday dental practice. The first part reviews general bruxism knowledge as well as guidelines for diagnosis, sleep physiology, etiology, peripheral and emotional factors, movement disorders, and bruxism in children. The second part is devoted to the effects of bruxism on the different components of the masticatory system and explores its relationship to pain. The final part addresses the various aspects of bruxism treatment—both pharmacologic and clinical management—as well as particulars of restoration specific to the bruxing patient, including recommended dental materials, considerations for use of implant-supported prostheses, and an overview of complex oral restoration. Researchers, students, and specialists will benefit from the in-depth analysis of bruxism and its treatment and the extensive, up-to-date bibliographies.

Part I. Overview of the Problem
Chapter 01. Introduction to Bruxism
Chapter 02. Diagnosis of Bruxism
Chapter 03. Sleep Physiology and Bruxism
Chapter 04. Etiology of Bruxism
Chapter 05. Role of Peripheral Sensory Factors in Bruxism
Chapter 06. Emotional Factors in the Etiology of Bruxism
Chapter 07. Movement Disorders in the Dental Office
Chapter 08. Bruxism in Children

Part II. Effects on the Masticatory System
Chapter 09. Tooth Wear
Chapter 10. Dental Erosion
Chapter 11. Gastroesophageal Reflux and Dental Erosion
Chapter 12. Controversies on the Effects of Bruxism
Chapter 13. Effects of Bruxism on Teeth and Its Relationship with Endodontics
Chapter 14. Influence of Trauma from Occlusion on the Periodontium
Chapter 15. Effects of Bruxism and Muscles
Chapter 16. Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction and Bruxism
Chapter 17. Pain and Bruxism

Part III. Clinical Approaches
Chapter 18. Pharmacologic Considerations in Bruxism
Chapter 19. Dental Materials for the Bruxing Patient
Chapter 20. Evidence Related to the Treatment of Bruxism
Chapter 21. Introduction to Complex Oral Restoration
Chapter 22. Restoration of the Worn Dentition
Chapter 23. Effects of Bruxism on Restorative Implant-Assisted Prosthesis Treatments
Chapter 24. Botulinum Toxin in the Treatment of Bruxism
Chapter 25. Clinical Treatment of Bruxism

Monica Andersen • Taro Arima • Lene Baad-Hansen • Marta M. Barreiro • Gunnar E. Carlsson • Fernando Cifuentes • Sergio Fuster • Jorge Mario Galante • Carlos Gianoni • Fernando Goldberg • Hans L. Hamburger • Faramarz Jadidi • Anders Johansson • Ann-Katrin Johansson • Takafumi Kato • Marcelo Kreiner • Stephanos Kyrkanides • Frank Lobbezoo • Ricardo L. Macchi • Daniele Manfredini • Arturo E. Manns Freese • Machiel Naeije • Luca Guarda Nardini • Ridwaan Omar • Claudia Restrepo • Xiomara Restrepo-J. • Andres R. Sanchez • Guillermo Schinini • Teresa Cristina Barros Schütz • José T. T. de Siqueira • Peter Svensson • Ross H. Tallents • Sergio Tufik


Daniel Angel Paesani DDS

Cover, Paesani: Bruxism
"This text serves both as an academic reference and a clinical guide in the treatment of bruxism, and should have a place in the libraries of all dental clinicians and orthodontists."
Andrew Barry; Australian Orthodontic Journal (November 2010)

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