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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Tiziano Testori / Fabio Galli / Massimo del Fabbro

Immediate Loading

A New Era in Oral Implantology

1st Edition 2011
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 584 Seiten, 928 farbige Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Implantologie, Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie, Parodontologie

Artikelnr.: 7119
ISBN 978-1-85097-202-0
QP Deutschland


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As implant dentistry continues to evolve, one of the most promising new treatment strategies is immediate loading. Recent studies have demonstrated that immediate loading actually stimulates peri-implant osteogenesis by accelerating the fracture repair process, thereby increasing implant retention while minimizing surgical invasiveness, treatment time, and the psychologic distress of the patient. This book, written by a team of researchers and clinicians with specialized knowledge and experience in the field of implant dentistry, synthesizes all the considerations that affect immediate loading protocols, first explaining the biology that underpins the innovate strategy and systematically moving through all the stages of the process, from the presurgical diagnosis to the posttreatment management. The authors emphasize the importance of the prosthetic-implant team working as a unit, demonstrating that only through close collaboration among specialists can a high degree of predictability and success be achieved. Because the authors' original research underlies the therapeutic protocols and clinical applications they advance, this book offers the most precise, reliable, and updated information currently available on the subject.

Chapter 01. Biologic Background
Chapter 02. Biology and Biomechanics in Immediate Loading
Chapter 03. The Role of Implant Surface Topography on Biologic Stabilization
Chapter 04. A Systematic Review of the Literature
Chapter 05. Presurgical Diagnostic Phase
Chapter 06. Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Techniques
Chapter 07. The Therapeutic Approach of the Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute Implant Department
Chapter 08. Therapeutic Alternatives for the Immediate Rehabilitation of Atrophic Jaws Using Tilted Implants
Chapter 09. Complex Rehabilitations in Completely Edentulous Patients
Chapter 10. Surgical-Prosthetic Interactions in the Immediate Loading of Implants in the Esthetic Zone
Chapter 11. Intraoperative Impression and Control of Passive Fit in Immediate Loading
Chapter 12. Chairside Versus Laboratory Preparation of the Provisional Prosthesis in Immediately Loaded Cases: A Rationale
Chapter 13. Indications and Contraindications of Mini-Implants
Chapter 14. Occlusion in Implant-Supported Prostheses Under Immediate Loading and Delayed Loading
Chapter 15. Oral Rehabilitation with Immediate Loading: Noninvasive Morphofunctional Assessment
Chapter 16. Implant Support Therapy
Chapter 17. Patient-Centered Outcomes: The Patient's Viewpoint
Chapter 18. Management of the Implant Patient: State of the Art
Chapter 19. Medicolegal Implications and Clinical Guidelines in Immediate Loading
Chapter 20. The Role of Computer-Assisted Surgery
Chapter 21. Guidelines for the Collection and Organization of Scientific Data

Dr. Tiziano Testori MD, DDS

Italien, Como

Dr. Tiziano Testori ist Leiter der Abteilung für Implantologie und orale Rehabilitation der Zahnmedizinischen Klinik am Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Abteilung für Gesundheitstechnologien der Universität Mailand. Außerdem ist er Gastprofessor am New York University College of Dentistry in New York. Der ehemalige Präsident der Italienischen Gesellschaft für Oralchirurgie und Implantologie (SICOI) ist Gründungsmitglied der Advanced Implantology Study Group (AISG), Autor von mehr als 200 wissenschaftlichen Artikeln und Mitherausgeber von Sinusbodenaugmentation. Chirurgische Techniken und alternative Konzepte (Quintessenz, 2010). Dr. Testori betreibt  eine Privatpraxis in Como.


Dr. Massimo del Fabbro

Italien, Milano

Dr. Massimo Del Fabbro ist Leiter der Abteilung für orale Pathophysiologie der Zahnmedizinischen Klinik am Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Abteilung für Gesundheitstechnologien der Universität Mailand. Er ist Autor mehrerer Artikel auf den Gebieten Parodontologie, zahnärztliche Implantologie, Endodontologie, Physiologie und Biochemie. Außerdem ist er Mitherausgeber von Sinusbodenaugmentation. Chirurgische Techniken und alternative Konzepte (Quintessenz, 2010). Dr. Del Fabbro forscht auf den Gebieten Zahnheilkunde, orale Chirurgie und orale Medizin  an der medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Mailand.

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Cover, Testori/Galli/del Fabbro: Immediate Loading

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