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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Giovanni E. Salvi

Flap designs for Interdental Tissue Preservation in Periodontal Therapy

20 Minuten

Rubrik(en): Parodontologie
Sprache(n): Englisch, Deutsch
Publikationsjahr: 2006
Video-Quelle: APW DVD Journal
Reihe: APW DVD Journal


  • Introduction: History-Taking, Examination, Diagnosis, Etiology, Prognosis for Individual Teeth
  • Four - Phase Treatment Sequence
  • Modified Papilla Preservation Technique(MPPT)
  • Simplified Papilla Preservation Technique (SPPT)
  • Findings 6 months after Surgery

The Modified and Simplified Papilla Preservation Techniques for conservation of interproximal papillary tissue were designed to provide access to deep and narrow bony defects to enable regenerative periodontal treatment. The Modified Papilla Preservation Technique (MPPT) was designed to ensure tension-free primary closure via barrier membranes in patients with small interdental spaces. The Simplified Papilla Preservation Technique(SPPT) is used to gain access to narrow interdental spaces (< 2mm) and to deep defects in the lateral tooth region. Apart from preserving primary wound closure in the interdental space, the two techniques also serve to keep the membrane from collapsing into the bony defect. Both MPPT and SPPT employ special suture techniques to ensure tension-free primary closure of the interdental space. This video clip also serves to demonstrate that the two techniques of interproximal tissue preservation can also be used for periodontal interventions without regenerative measures.

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