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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Luiz Narciso Baratieri (Editor)


People, Teeth, and Restorations

1st Edition 2013
Hardcover, 482 pages, 1672 illus
Language: English
Category: Esthetic Dentistry

Stock No.: 7211
ISBN 978-1-85097-229-7
QP Deutschland


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Natural tooth behaves much as a collection of mosaics that change color according to the type of light and media in which they are found, and it is this beauty of tooth composition and form that is the inspiration to those who seek to mimic tooth in dental restorations. This stunning atlas is the culmination of more than 25 years of dedicated study into the optical behavior of teeth and restorative materials. Although the author wows readers with dazzling photography throughout, this book moves beyond a mere clinical art book that only shows what is possible. The practical purpose of this book is also to outline the clinical sequences of how to use composite resins and dental ceramics to achieve the optical characteristics observed so exquisitely in natural teeth. By blending art and dental science, the author has created an ultimate textbook on dental anatomy and restorative dentistry that explores the underlying makeup of the layered structures of the teeth and reveals the techniques of how to meet the challenge of mimicking natural tooth.

Part I. Optical Behavior of Teeth and Restorations
Chapter 01. The Natural
Chapter 02. The Parts
• Enamel
• Dentin
• Dentinoenamel Junction
• Aging

Chapter 03. The Whole
• Counter-opalescence

Chapter 04. The Artificial
• Composite Resins
• Ceramics

Part II. Using Technology to Create Natural-Looking Restorations
Chapter 05. CAD/CAM Technology For the Manufacture of Dental Restorations
• CAD/CAM Technology and Its Applications in Dentistry
• History of the Development and Use of CAD/CAM Technology
• Steps of CAD/CAM Manufacturing and Workflow Possibilities
• Modern CAD/CAM Systems
• Restorative Materials for CAD/CAM Systems
• Final Considerations and Future Perspectives

Part III. Clinical Case Presentations
Chapter 06. Dental Bleaching Cases
Chapter 07. Restoration of Anterior Teeth: Direct Technique Cases
Chapter 08. Restoration of Anterior Teeth: Indirect Technique Cases
Chapter 09. Restoration of Posterior Teeth: Direct Technique
Chapter 10. Restoration of Posterior Teeth: Direct and Indirect Techniques
Chapter 11. Oral Rehabilitation Cases

Luiz Narciso Baratieri


Certificate in Periodontics; MS and PhD in Operative Dentistry, University of Bauru, SP, Brazil; Postdoctoral Degree in Operative Dentistry, University of Sheffield, UK; Professor, Head, and Chair of the Department of Operative Dentistry and Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Operative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil

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