International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, 6/2022
Online OnlyDOI: 10.11607/prd.6124Pages e161-e174, Language: EnglishVelasquez, Diego / Araújo, Mauricio G / Clem, Donald S / Gunsolley, John C / Heard, Rick H / Janakievski, Jim / McClain, Pamela K / McGuire, Michael K / Misch, Craig M / Nevins, Marc / Pickering, Steve / Pope, Bryan / Richardson, Chris / Santarelli, Greg / Scheyer, E Todd / Schallhorn, Rachel / Toback, GregoryPostextraction bone grafting and implant placement help preserve alveolar bone volume. Collagen wound dressings and soft tissue graft substitutes may help protect extraction socket bone grafts and provide better gingival contours. This randomized, controlled, multicenter, and double-blinded study was conducted to compare a control (wound dressing) and a test (soft tissue graft) substitute in nearly intact extraction sockets. Both test and control sockets were grafted with a xenogeneic bone graft. Graft containment, extraction socket soft tissue gap closure, gingival contour, and gingival thickness were examined over 16 weeks, at which time implants were placed. Healing was uneventful for both groups, and there was no significant difference (P < .05) between the times required to close the extraction socket soft tissue gap (~80% of sites closed by 8 weeks). Bone grafts were covered and contained longer in the test group (~4 weeks vs ~2 weeks), with less contour disruption out to 4 weeks; however, at implant placement, soft tissue contours in both groups were comparable, and soft tissue thicknesses were not significantly different.
The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, 5/2010
PubMed ID (PMID): 20862402Pages 893-900, Language: EnglishSchuler, Ralf F. / Janakievski, Jim / Hacker, Beth M. / O'Neal, Robert B. / Roberts, Frank A.Purpose: To study bone healing at implant sites in simulated extraction sockets with 1-mm marginal defects and compare healing around a turned surface (T) to that around a porous oxide surface prepared by anodic oxidation (AO) with or without the use of an autogenous bone graft.
Materials and Methods: All mandibular premolars and first molars were extracted from 10 mongrel dogs. After 9 weeks, four sites were prepared on both sides of all mandibles. Each osteotomy was widened in the coronal 5 mm to create a marginal defect of 1 mm around the implants. Autogenous bone was collected during the drilling procedure. The sites were randomized to receive implants with a T or an AO surface, with or without bone grafting. The animals were sacrificed 4 months after implant placement for histologic analysis.
Results: Clinically, all sites healed with complete bone fill. The combination of an AO implant and a bone graft resulted in a significantly greater percentage of bone-to-implant contact (BIC) (P .05) versus all other groups. The highest point of BIC was achieved with the AO group, which was significantly greater than the lowest group (T). No significant differences between groups were found when the apical 4 mm (nongap areas) were compared (P = .65).
Conclusions: Studies have demonstrated that bone can fill in a marginal defect around a titanium implant with varied histologic BIC, depending on implant surface type and defect dimensions. Based upon this animal study using 10 mongrel dogs, marginal circumferential defects of 1 mm showed significantly higher BIC values for implants that were prepared by AO compared to implants with a turned surface. The addition of autogenous bone grafts further enhanced the degree of BIC.
Keywords: anodic oxidation, autogenous, bone graft, histomorphometry, osseointegration