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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy
Markus Schlee

Regenerative Procedures for Optimized Esthetics at Tooth 11

25 Minutes

Category: Periodontics
Language(s): English, German
Publication year: 2006
Video source: APW DVD Journal
Series: APW DVD Journal


  • Exploration
  • Incision and Flap Mobilization
  • Palatal Flap Preservation with Interdental Tissue Preservation
  • Detoxification and Concrement Removal at 11
  • Harvesting of Autogenous Bone Chips from the Spina Nasalis
  • Conditioning of the Root Surface with EDTA-Gel
  • Application of Emdogain and Filling of the Bone Defect
  • Wound Closure

After Finishing the Initial Treatment for Aggressive Periodontitis, Regenerative Treatment of a Tunnel-Shaped Pocket at Tooth 11 was attempted. Rotation and Crowding of the Buccally Inclined Tooth represented a favorable Etiological Factor. The patient did not wish to receive Orthodontic Treatment to eliminate this Causal Factor after Completion of Primary Treatment. Treatment was therefore limited to the Surgical Regeneration Attempt. The Interdental Space was larger than 3 mm and the Bone Pocket was a mostly Three-Walled Structure, so the Chances of Success were considered to be good.

Exploration was first performed to identify the Course of the Defect Margins. Exact knowledge of the Bone Anatomy in all three Planes is essential to successful Incision Planning. A Tunnel-Shaped Defect delimited by Bone in the Region of Tooth 11 with good chances of Periodontal Regeneration was found. A major Challenge of this Procedure is the need to keep the Defect completely covered with Soft Tissue throughout the Healing Process. Cortellini's Papilla Preservation Technique was used for this Purpose.

After Incision and Flap Mobilization, it became evident that the Defect only had two Walls in the Coronal Region and that Bone was lacking in the Buccal Region. According to the current Data on Periodontal Regeneration, the Attachment Gain achieved using an Enamel Matrix Protein (Emdogain®) alone can be just as good as that achieved using Emdogain and Bone Graft Material combined. Still, we elected to use a Combination Technique in the Present Case because it provides better Papillary Support. The Graft Material consisted of Autogenous Bone Chips from the Spina Nasalis, which can easily be harvested by Means of the Piezo Technique After gentle Detoxification, the Root Surface was treated with Emdogain. The Defect was then fi lled with Autogenous Bone Chips and closed by Microsurgical Suture Techniques. Six months after Surgery, Partial Regeneration of the Papilla can be seen.

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