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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy

12 Autori/Relatori


MDT Edris Rasta

Paesi Bassi

Prof. Dr. Dino Re

Italia, Milano

Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia. Specializzazione in Odontostomatologia e in Ortognatodonzia.
Professore Associato, Titolare insegnamento di Protesi, Corso di Laurea in Odontoiatra e Protesi Dentaria, Università degli Studi di Milano.
Direttore Scientifico della rivista Dentista Moderno.
Direttore del Reparto Universitario di Estetica Dentale presso l’Istituto Stomatologico Italiano, Milano.
Coautore del volume ‘Chirurgia dei terzi molari. La semplificazione di un percorso difficile’ edito da Quintessence Publishing Italia (Quintessenza Edizoni) nel 2020.

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PD Dr. Dan-Krister Rechenberg

Svizzera, Zürich

Dr. Rechenberg is a senior lecturer at the Division of Endodontology, Clinic for Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology, and Cariology, University of Zurich, Switzerland. He graduated in Germany from the University of Göttingen, School of Dental Medicine. After finishing dental school he worked at the University of Göttingen, and then the University of Zurich, where he received his doctoral degree in dentistry (Dr. med. dent.). In 2012 Dan completed the postgraduate endodontic program at the Univeristy of Zurich, became a certified member of the Swiss Society of Endodontology (SSE), and the European Society of Endodontology (ESE). In 2017 he received the venia legendi (private docent title) from the University of Zurich. Dan is on the editorial board of the International Endodontic Journal and acts as a reviewer for other dental journals. Currently he works part-time at the University of Zurich as Co-Head of the postgraduate endodontic program and in research, where his main research focus is on diagnostics for pulpal and periapical disease. In addition, he maintains a private practice limited to endodontics/apical microsurgery in Zurich. Dan has served as an active member of the ESE Membership Committee since 2017 and has participated in the ESE accreditation process for postgraduate speciality training programmes.

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Prof. Dr. Sven Reich

Germania, Aachen

May 1989-Aug. 1994: Study of Dentistry. Oct. 1994-Nov. 2005: Dental Prosthetics at the University of Erlangen. 2005: Habilitation. Dec. 2005-Sep. 2009: Dental Prosthetics at the University of Leipzig. Since Oct. 2009: Dental Prosthetics at the University Clinic Aachen (Director Prof. Dr. S. Wolfart). Since July 2012: W2 Professorship for the Teaching and Research Area of Computer-Aided Dentistry at the Clinic for Dental Prosthetics and Biomaterials.

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Dr. Marta Revilla-León DDS, MSD, PhD

Stati Uniti d'America, Boston

Dr. Marta Revilla is Faculty and Director of Research and Digital Dentistry at the Kois Center. Dr. Revilla-León obtained her PhD in Prosthodontics and Digital Dentistry at The Academisch Centrum Tandheelkunde (ACTA) University in Amsterdam. She obtained her MSD in prosthodontics at the University of Washington in Seattle and a MS in Esthetic Dentistry at the Complutense University of Madrid. Dr. Revilla-León is specialist in digital dentistry with more than 140 publications in peer-reviewed dental journals in the last 4 years related with facial and intraoral scanning methods, virtual patient integration, digital implant scans with photogrammetry systems, polymer, metal, and ceramic additive manufacturing technologies, development of dental devices with Exocad, 3Shape dental systems, blender and artificial intelligence for dental applications. Prior to this position, Dr. Revilla-León has been the assistant program director in the Advanced Education in General Dentistry at the Texas A&M University in Dallas. Currently, Dr. Revilla is also Affiliate Faculty in the Graduate in Prosthodontic Program at the University of Washington in Seattle and in the Graduate in Prosthodontic Program at Tufts University in Boston.

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Dr. Isabella Rocchietta DDS, MSc

Regno Unito, London

Isabella Rocchietta, DDS, MSc, is an honorary senior research associate to the Department of Periodontology and a lecturer for the Diploma in Implant Dentistry at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute in London. She is an elected board member of the European Academy for Osseointegration and a member of the Experts Council of the Osteology Foundation. She is the author of several national and international peer-reviewed publications and book chapters. Dr Rocchietta performs clinical work limited to periodontics and implant dentistry in London and Milan and lectures internationally.

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PD Dr. Nadja Rohr

Svizzera, Basel

PD Dr. med. dent. Nadja Rohr is head of the Biomaterials and Technology research group at the University Center for Dental Medicine Basel UZB, Switzerland and head of dental technicians. The group analyzes clinical challenges and finds a translational research approach to provide convincing evidence-based solutions for clinicians and manufacturers.

Nadja Rohr lectures on dental materials for bachelor and master students and is involved in practical courses in Reconstructive Dentistry at the University of Basel. She studied dentistry in Basel where she also received her doctoral degree in 2016. To gain a more in depth understanding of material-cell interaction, she spent a year at the Cell Biology Department in Rostock, Germany in 2018. Since 2020 she holds a PD title in Reconstructive Dentistry and finished a Master of Business Administration degree at the FHNW in 2023.

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Giuseppe Romeo

Italia, Torino

Giuseppe Romeo, MDT-CDT, is a distinguished Dental Technician who operates his own practice in Torino, Italy. His educational journey in the field began with earning a degree in the 5th year of Dental Technician training, followed by two years of university study, culminating in a Master's Degree in Dental Technologist Esthetic Prosthodontics. Romeo has expanded his expertise through continuing education, both in Italy and internationally, with work experiences in the United States and Switzerland.

As a speaker both domestically and abroad, he continues to participate in update courses to enhance his skills and knowledge. Romeo has contributed to the dental community as the author of 40 articles published in prestigious Italian and international dentistry magazines. He collaborated with Doctor Domenico Massironi and Mister Romeo Pascetta on the book “Esthetics and Precision. Clinical and technical procedures.”, which was published by Quintessence and translated into eight languages. Additionally, he is a coauthor of “Aesthetic & Restorative Dentistry”, a work created alongside Dr. Douglas Terry and Mr. Willi Geller and published by Quintessence. Currently, he is working on two new books set to be published in the near future.

Romeo is an active member of Willi Geller’s Oral Design group, a Fellow Member of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (AAED), a Member of the American Microscope Enhanced Dentistry (AMED), and an Affiliate Member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED). His commitment to academia is evident in his role as a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Division of Restorative Science at the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, California, USA.

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Dr. Jeffrey S. Rouse DDS

Stati Uniti d'America

Jeffrey S. Rouse, DDS, maintains a full-time private practice in San Antonio, Texas, and is a clinical adjunct associate professor in the Department of Prosthodontics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Dental School. He is a member of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry and the American College of Prosthodontists and past president of the Southwest Academy of Restorative Dentistry. Dr Rouse has written numerous journal articles, including a portion of the "Annual Review of Selected Dental Literature" published each summer in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. In addition, he has contributed chapters on porcelain veneers and anterior ceramic crowns to three editions of a dental textbook. Dr Rouse lectures nationally and internationally on a wide variety of topics ranging from dental esthetics to sleep prosthodontics.

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MDT Luc Rutten

Belgio, Tessenderlo

Dental Technician Luc Rutten is a lab owner specializing in ceramics and esthetic implantology. He specifically uses the latest digital technologies as well as analog skills. He has gained international renown through numerous international lectures, publications and advisory board activities and is internationally renown for his through numerous international lectures, publications and advisory board activities.

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MDT Patrick Rutten

Belgio, Tessenderlo

Dental Technician Patrick Rutten is a lab owner specializing in ceramics and esthetic implantology. He specifically uses the latest digital technologies as well as analog skills. He has gained international renown through numerous international lectures, publications and advisory board activities.

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