Ciclo del numero ???: trimestrale
Lingua: Inglese
Categoria: Ortodonzia
Editor-in-chief: Dr. Werner Schupp
Editor: Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio, Dr. Francesco Garino, Dr. Julia Haubrich, Dr. Beatriz Solano Mendoza, Prof. James Mah DMSc
Coordinatore: Elizabeth Ducker
QP Deutschland
Rivista ufficiale di:
European Aligner Society Ltd
The Argentine Society of Aligner Orthodontics
The French Society of Aligners Orthodontics (SFOPA)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Aligner Orthodontie e.V. (DGAO)
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Aligner Orthodontie (ÖGAO)
Polish Aligner Academy (PAA)
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Aligner Orthodontie (SGAO)
Taiwan Association of Aligner Orthodontists
The Journal of Aligner Orthodontics publishes clinically relevant articles in the field of Aligner Orthodontics. The journal is peer reviewed and claims to be the reference journal for Aligner Orthodontics, showing the whole potential of the field. The journal aims to provide in-depth knowledge to orthodontists and people interested in orthodontics, from beginners to the most advanced practitioners. Articles deal with basic procedures, case reports about special situations, multidisciplinary treatment including aligner procedures, and original studies (clinical studies, studies on materials and devices, literature reviews). Auxiliary procedures such as scanning and 3D printing are also covered. In addition, the journal contains editorials, expert discussions, tips and tricks, learning from mistakes, summaries of publications from other journals, book reviews, and news from the industry.
Dr. Schupp graduated in dentistry in 1985 from the University of Münster and continued his studies here as a postgraduate student of orthodontics under the direction of Prof. Dr. U Ehmer. Collaboration in the orthodontic private practice of Dr. DE Toll followed and since 1990, he has been in private practice as an orthodontics specialist in Cologne, Germany. In his office, over 6000 patients have been treated with aligner orthodontics. He is certified in Manual Medicine and Osteopathy for Orthodontics. Dr. Schupp is a founding member and past president of the German Board of Orthodontics and Orofacial Orthopedics, and a board member of the German Society of Aligner Orthodontics (DGAO). He is also founder and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Aligner Orthodontics (JAO) and an advisory board member for the periodical Manuelle Medizin. He has published various articles concerning orthodontics, function, and pain therapy. He has written the books Funktionslehre in der Kieferorthopädie and Kraniomandibuläres und Muskuloskelletales System, as well as the first edition of Aligner Orthodontics, published in 2016 (Quintessence Publishing) and translated in several languages. Dr. Schupp is also visiting professor at the Capital University, Beijing, China.
Dr. Haubrich studied dentistry at the University of Freiburg (Albert Ludwigs Universität), graduating in 2001. After working as a general dentist, she began her postgraduate studies in orthodontics in the private practice of Dr. Werner Schupp from 2003 to 2005, continuing her studies at the University of Berlin (Charité Universität) under the direction of Prof. Dr. RR Miethke. Since becoming a certified specialist of orthodontics in 2007, she has been collaborating with Dr. Werner Schupp and Dr. Julia Funke in a private practice in Cologne, Germany. She is co-author of the book Funktionslehre in der Kieferorthopädie (2012), and has published several articles concerning orthodontic aligner therapy in children, function, and pain therapy published in national and international journals. She is associate editor of the Journal of Aligner Orthodontics (JAO) and lecturer for the University of Vienna, Austria. Dr. Haubrich has been a clinical speaker for Align Technology since 2005, and is a board member and Conference President of the German Society of Aligner Orthodontics (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Aligner Orthodontie, DGAO).
Dr. Mah obtained his Doctorate of Dental Surgery, Master of Science degrees and his Certificate of Specialization in Orthodontics from the University of Alberta and his Doctorate of Medical Science degree from Harvard University. Dr. Mah is the Dean at UNLV School of Dental Medicine. He was recently recognized by Stanford University in the top 2% of dentists cited globally with over 100 publications, several textbook chapters and several hundred national and international presentations. He also serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of Aligner Orthodontics and is a reviewer for the American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics and the Angle Orthodontist.
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