Ciclo del numero ???: annualmente
Lingua: Tedesco
Categorie: Medicina sportiva, Medicina generale, Interdisciplinare, Implantologia, Ortodonzia, Odontoiatria pediatrica, Chirurgia orale, Parodontologia, Protesi, Odontoiatria restaurativa, Odontoiatria in generale
Editor-in-chief: Dr. Siegfried Marquardt
Coordinatore: Golo Ley
QP Deutschland
Pubblicato in collaborazione con:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sportzahnmedizin. e.V. (DGSZM)
The correlation between physical fitness and oral health, and the close relationship of physical and cognitive ability with a healthy and functional chewing system is not only very important for the professional athlete, but also fascinates regular patients all over the world. Consequently, the very close relationship between medicine and dentistry is given special attention in the new accreditation rules for dental students. The passion for the dental profession and the enthusiasm for sport in general and world-class sports in particular come together in the German Society for Sports Dentistry (DGSZM). "Sports Dentistry - German Journal for Sports Dentistry" is the journal of the DGSZM, with specialist articles, interviews, and information on all aspects of sports dentistry.
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