This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between soft tissue thickness measured by CBCT and phenotype probing estimation and to assess the thickness cutoffs for each phenotype probing outcome. CBCT was performed with a lip retractor in order to isolate periodontal soft tissues in 10 consecutive patients. Using colored probes, the phenotype was evaluated for all present teeth and recorded as thin, medium, thick, or very thick. The overall correlation between tissue thickness and the phenotype probe score was r = 0.86 (CI: 0.80, 0.90). The correlation was r = 0.90 (CI: 0.81, 0.94) when only maxillary anterior teeth were considered. The obtained cutoffs were 0.83 mm between thin and medium phenotypes, 1.07 mm between medium and thick phenotypes, and 1.24 mm between thick and very thick phenotypes. Thus, a high correlation between tissue thickness and the phenotype probe score was found. Preliminary data on the use of phenotype probes as an evaluation method for gingival thickness were promising.