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  • KVM Verlag
Giorgio Tabanella

Iatrogenic bone grafting and implant placement - Ailing dental implants associated with oroantral communication - part 2

Trailer | 30 Minuten

Rubrik(en): Chirurgie
Sprache(n): Englisch, Deutsch
Publikationsjahr: 2018
Video-Quelle: Tabanella DVD-Compendium
Reihe: Tabanella DVD-Compendium
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Case description:
A 41-year-old female patient had undergone an implant treatment about 2 years previously. She presented with purulent exudate coming from the right nostril and from one of the dental implants placed after a maxillary sinus elevation. An endodontic lesion was also present next to the infected implant. The implant was mobile and painful. The treatment comprised only two surgical phases: the first phase aimed to eradicate the infection by removing the infected implant and endodontically treated tooth and closing the oroantral communication; the second phase was based on simultaneous implant removal, sinus elevation, simultaneous implant placement, guided bone regeneration (GBR), and immediate loading to reduce the healing time. This clinical case shows the potential for tissue regeneration even after iatrogenic implant dentistry.
Als DVD kaufen: Tabanella: Decision making for retreatment of failures in dental medicine

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Produktionsjahr: 2018
Sprache: Englisch, Deutsch
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Produktionsjahr: 2018
Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch
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Produktionsjahr: 2018
Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch
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Diagnostic failure - Mistreated trauma associated with periapical chronic lesions and anatomic bone deformities - part 1

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Produktionsjahr: 2018
Sprache: Englisch, Deutsch
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Fehldiagnose - Behandlungsfehler bei chronischen periapikalen Läsionen und Knochendeformitäten - Teil 2

Giorgio Tabanella

Länge: 29 Minuten
Produktionsjahr: 2018
Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch
Reihen: Tabanella DVD-Compendium
Kategorie: Chirurgie
verfügbar seit: 14. Mai 2019

Diagnostic failure - Mistreated trauma associated with periapical chronic lesions and anatomic bone deformities - part 2

Giorgio Tabanella

Länge: 29 Minuten
Produktionsjahr: 2018
Sprache: Englisch, Deutsch
Reihen: Tabanella DVD-Compendium
Kategorie: Chirurgie
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