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  • KVM Verlag
Bernard C. Kolster

Anatomische Tafeln

2nd corrected Edition 2023
Softcover, 24 x 33,5 cm, 80 pages, 70 illustrations
Language: German
Categories: Anatomy, Physiotherapy

Stock No.: 30344
ISBN 978-3-86867-665-5
KVM Verlag

14,80 €

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Basic anatomical knowledge with large-format, unique graphics – now in a corrected and revised edition. The "Anatomical Charts" illustrate the basic knowledge of anatomy. The large-format and colorful illustrations convey anatomical knowledge in a memorable way and provide a well-founded insight into the complex relationships between anatomical structures. The following anatomical structures are shown in detail: arteries, veins, lymphatic vessels, central nervous system, cranial nerves, autonomic nervous system, skeleton, and musculature. Numerous mnemonics and classic mnemonic devices support the learning and memorization of the anatomical information. Repetition, reference, and visualization of the anatomical structures with the "Anatomical Charts" thus becomes an optimal, efficient, and sometimes entertaining undertaking.



Dr. med. Bernard C. Kolster

Germany, Marburg

Following his physiotherapy certification, Dr. Kolster studied human biology and human medicine in Marburg. He has undertaken further clinical studies in physical medicine and other disciplines, with a special focus on the presentation and application of reflex-therapeutic procedures. Dr. Kolster is the author and editor of scientific textbooks in the fields of medicine, physiotherapy, naturopathic medicine, and physical medicine.

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Cover, Kolster: Anatomische Tafeln

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