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  • KVM Verlag
Bernard C. Kolster

Atlas der Akupressur

Effective Self-Help for Various Complaints

1st Edition 2014
Book, DVD
Softcover, 19,2 x 25,3; inkl. DVD (Laufzeit: ca. 50 Min.), 240 pages, 440 illustrations
Language: German
Categories: Guide Health & Medical Science, Acupuncture/Naturopathic Treatment

Stock No.: 30142
ISBN 978-3-86867-218-3
KVM Verlag

19,85 €

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Sleeping problems, a "nervous" stomach, neck tension… these are the kinds of health problems that have been on the rise in modern society in recent years. As much as many people suffer from them, these types of complaints are often taken for granted. People under stress often do not find the time or strength to take care of their endangered health. The great variety of standard medications available on the market seem to work reliably but tend to replace individual self-care. For those unwilling to take pills on a regular basis, acupressure may be the solution. This comprehensive manual presents acupressure programs especially compiled to self-treat common ailments and diseases or to support existing medical therapy. The book also provides useful information about the historical background, the possibilities and limitations of acupressure as well as its proper application.


Dr. med. Bernard C. Kolster

Germany, Marburg

Following his physiotherapy certification, Dr. Kolster studied human biology and human medicine in Marburg. He has undertaken further clinical studies in physical medicine and other disciplines, with a special focus on the presentation and application of reflex-therapeutic procedures. Dr. Kolster is the author and editor of scientific textbooks in the fields of medicine, physiotherapy, naturopathic medicine, and physical medicine.

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Cover, Kolster: Atlas der Akupressur

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