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  • KVM Verlag
Daniela Haller

Colors of Taste

85 vegan, colorful recipes with local and seasonal fruits and vegetables

1st Edition 2023
Hardcover; 19,3 x 26 cm, 172 pages, 130 illus
Language: German
Category: Guide Health & Nutrition

Stock No.: 51360
ISBN 978-3-86867-649-5
KVM Verlag

19,35 €

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In this book, the reader will find 85 vegan and colorful recipes that will inspire everyone to bring more fruits and vegetables to the table. Especially in today’s world, it is very important to eat foods that are local, in season, and full of vitamins. Health and personal well-being should be at the center of our food choices.

The author invites all readers to leave their comfort zone and dive into and experiment with a more colorful, diverse cuisine. Based on the slogan: “The eye also eats,” the author also presents many exciting food styling tips.



Daniela Haller

At a young age, Daniela Haller discovered her passion for baking and cooking. She lives with her husband and two daughters in Austria. In 2019, she began to combine this passion with her own sense of creativity and became known as a food blogger under the name “danistrailcooking.”

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Cover, Haller: Colors of Taste

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