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  • KVM Verlag
Roland Kreutzer


Effective DIY for pain and sports injuries

2nd revised and extended Edition 2021
Book, DVD
Softcover, 18,5 x 26 cm, inkl. DVD (Laufzeit ca. 45 Min.), Onlinevideos und Gutschein für Tapematerial, 220 pages, 600 illustrations
Language: German
Categories: Physiotherapy, Guide Health & Medical Science

Stock No.: 30313
ISBN 978-3-86867-556-6
KVM Verlag

19,80 €

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Taping is a gentle, drug-free, and easy-to-learn technique. Numerous complaints can be treated causally with it as well as many sports injuries. With 600 illustrations, and supplemented by helpful tips and tricks that maximize the success and effectiveness of taping, the author and physiotherapist explains each taping application step by step. Practical application is shown in such a clear and easy-to-follow manner that anyone can quickly implement it on themselves or others. Just try it out, get started, and experience amazing improvements! The tape systems focus on two main areas: One focus is the treatment of everyday musculoskeletal complaints and pain syndromes. The other focus is on the treatment and prevention of sports injuries. On the accompanying DVD, film sequences show how the tapes are measured, cut to size, and applied correctly. The 21 video sequences show in an exemplary manner the tape applications for the most common complaints and sports injuries. This combination of book and supplementary videos makes everyone a real taping professional in a short time – guaranteed!


Roland Kreutzer


Roland Kreutzer was born in Gummersbach in 1966 and has been a physiotherapist since 1991. He is an instructor for Brügger therapy (Zurich concept), a manual therapist, and an active course leader for Sensotape® courses. He has been working at the Philipps University of Marburg since 1992 as a physiotherapist, and since 2005 as a lecturer in the Master’s and Bachelor’s degree programs in physiotherapy. In addition, the author works as a physiotherapist in his own practice in Marburg and is a freelancer for KVM-Verlag, Berlin. This collaboration has resulted in him co-authoring several specialist books in the fields of medicine and physiotherapy. In his free time, he is an enthusiastic cyclist, runner, and swimmer, and thus a regular and active user of "self-tapping"!

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