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Purpose: To determine the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions associated with tobacco among patients visiting the dental hospital.
Materials and Methods: A selection of 1525 patients visiting the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology were interviewed regarding tobacco habits. Examination of the oral cavity was performed by trained examiners under good illumination using diagnostic instruments. Oral mucosal lesions were diagnosed based on the clinical features.
Results: The patients were divided into groups based on their tobacco habits. Out of 1525 patients, 359 patients (23.5%) had the habit and 265 (73.8%) of them had oral mucosal lesions. Leukoedema was the most prevalent lesion. Leukoplakia was found in 3.5% of the patients. Malignancy was found only among chewers.
Conclusion: Nearly three-quarters of the patients with the tobacco habit had oral mucosal lesions. This emphasises that routine examination of oral mucosa is important and that the patients must be motivated to quit this harmful habit.
Schlagwörter: leukoplakia, malignancy, mucosal lesions, tobacco