QZ - Quintessenz Zahntechnik, 8/2021
InnovationSeiten: 896-903, Sprache: DeutschMann, Nils Kristian / Röhler, Ariadne / Spintzyk, Sebastian / Klink, Andrea / Krämer Fernandez, PabloIndividueller Zirkonfarbring für die Herstellung von monolithischem ZahnersatzMit hochtransluzenten Zirkonoxiden können ästhetische monolithische Arbeiten ohne nachträgliche Verblendung hergestellt werden. Allerdings ist es dabei nur mit hohem Aufwand möglich, nachträglich die Farbe zu ändern. Der Beitrag beschreibt die Herstellung individueller Farbmusterplättchen und Halter zur Zahnfarbbestimmung, inklusive möglicherweise auftretender Probleme.
Schlagwörter: Farbauswahl, Farbgebung, Farbring, Farbschlüssel, Zahnmusterplättchen
QZ - Quintessenz Zahntechnik, 6/2021
Exzellente Dentale ÄsthetikSeiten: 637-638, Sprache: DeutschVotteler, Benjamin / Klink, AndreaQZ - Quintessenz Zahntechnik, 8/2019
FallstudieSeiten: 980-990, Sprache: DeutschVotteler, Benjamin / Klink, AndreaAnhand eines Fallbeispiels wird gezeigt, wie minimalinvasiv präparierte Frontzähne mit super-hochtransluzentem Zirkoniumdioxid und minimaler vestibulärer Verblendung in natürlicher Ästhetik restauriert werden können.
Schlagwörter: Vollkeramik, CAD/CAM, minimalinvasiv, Veneer, transluzent, Zirkonoxid
QZ - Quintessenz Zahntechnik, 1/2019
FallstudieSeiten: 78-86, Sprache: DeutschKuscu, Ebru / Wahl, Eugen / Klink, Andrea / Hüttig, Fabian / Spintzyk, SebastianGezeigt wird ein Weg, aus einer digitalen Abformung eine Goldrestrauration semi-digital herzustellen. In diesem Fall wurde eine hochgoldhaltige Versorgung ohne konventionelle Abformung hergestellt. Intraoralscan, CAD und 3-D-Druck wurden mit konventioneller Zahntechnik kombiniert.
Schlagwörter: additive Fertigung, Goldlegierung, intraorale Abformung, CAD/CAM, Feinguss
Dentista, 1/2018
FokusSeiten: 16-17, Sprache: DeutschKlink, AndreaEin InterviewThe International Journal of Prosthodontics, 5/2017
DOI: 10.11607/ijp.5116, PubMed-ID: 28806427Seiten: 461-464, Sprache: EnglischHüttig, Fabian / Keitel, Jan P. / Dentist / Prutscher, Andreas / Spintzyk, Sebastian / Klink, AndreaPurpose: This clinical trial tested bilayered restorations based on ceria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia/alumina frameworks veneered with feldspathic ceramic.
Materials and Methods: A total of 67 crowns and 40 fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) were luted in 57 patients with self-etching/self-adhesive composite resin cement. Dental status and integrity of restorations were evaluated at 2 weeks, 6 months, and then annually.
Results: A total of 66 crowns and 36 FDPs (88% posterior) survived for success rates of 93.4% for crowns and 89% for FDPs at 2 years. In particular, 11 cohesive ceramic chippings were observed in 5 crowns and 6 FDPs.
Conclusion: The material allows excellent marginal adaptation. Susceptibility to veneering failures might be due to framework design and the necessities of esthetics.
Quintessence International, 5/2016
DOI: 10.3290/j.qi.a35262, PubMed-ID: 26665261Seiten: 365-372, Sprache: EnglischKlink, Andrea / Huettig, FabianObjective: Dental erosion is a challenging problem. In addition to dental erosion's dental effects, general health also has to be taken into account. In particular, consumption of newly marketed beverages as well as psychosomatic and gastroesophageal disorders contribute to decayed dentitions. Without a comprehensive method for implementing preventive concepts in daily practice, many young adults will require large-scale, long-term treatment in the near future. Thus, dentists should be aware of preventative methods, prerequisites for rehabilitation, and treatment concepts available for such cases.
Clinical Considerations: Patients with severe dental erosions are often young adults who suffer from hypersensitivity and loss of vertical dimension and occlusal structure. Modern ceramics enable a minimally invasive, esthetic, and rugged approach for achieving a complete rehabilitation. In particular, monolithic restorations using lithium disilicate or zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate seem to be promising treatment strategies. In addition to the dentist, the dental technician needs to be educated and experienced with complex occlusal and functional rehabilitation. Currently, clinical longterm experiences have only been reported for adhesively bonded silicate and lithium disilicate restorations.
Conclusion: Heat-pressed and adhesively bonded monolithic lithium disilicate restoration fulfills all needs of complex treatment and long-term rehabilitation in young adults with dental erosion. Even if minimal tooth preparation is needed, in healthy teeth, adhesively bonded restorations require minimal thickness of the ceramic layer to obtain function, durability, and esthetics for this type of patient.
Schlagwörter: case report, complex rehabilitation, fixed restorations, in-vivo
QZ - Quintessenz Zahntechnik, 3/2016
BasicsSeiten: 336-348, Sprache: DeutschKlink, Andrea / Votteler, BenjaminEine sorgsam überdachte Indikationsstellung, ein sorgfältig und konsequent geplanter Behandlungsablauf sowie eine saubere Ausführung der zahntechnischen Arbeitsschritte minimal- oder noninvasiver Restaurationen können mit den heutigen Materialien und dem zahntechnischen wie klinischen Wissen zu langlebigen und ästhetischen Behandlungsergebnissen führen. Der Beitrag beschreibt Situationen für ein zielführendes Behandlungskonzept.
Schlagwörter: Ästhetik, Behandlungskonzept, Veneers, Non-Prep Veneers, Vollkeramik, Silikatkeramik, adhäsive Befestigung, minimalinvasiv
The International Journal of Prosthodontics, 3/2016
DOI: 10.11607/ijp.4220, PubMed-ID: 27148991Seiten: 284-286, Sprache: EnglischKlink, Andrea / Hüttig, FabianPurpose: A total of 24 zirconia-based single tooth-retained restorations inserted in 18 patients were followed up for 15 to 61 months (mean: 35 months).
Materials and Methods: Recall consisted of dental and hygiene status as well as quality assessment and check for occlusal relationship. One patient was lost to follow-up. In the incuded patients, 15 central incisors, 3 canines, and 5 lateral incisors replaced 16 lateral incisors and 7 central incisors, mostly in the maxilla (n = 17).
Results: One retainer debonded, two pontics experienced incisal chip-offs, and one patient showed an orthodontic relapse. The success rate was estimated at 82.4%, with 100% survival at 36 months.
Conclusion: Technical protocol and occlusal protection are crucial.
The International Journal of Prosthodontics, 3/2013
DOI: 10.11607/ijp.3287, PubMed-ID: 23626983Seiten: 272-276, Sprache: EnglischKlink, Andrea / Huettig, FabianA total of 163 monolithic restorations made from Vitablocs Mark II and luted adhesively or with resin cement were followed up for 3 to 70 months. Recall consisted of an evaluation of complete dental and hygiene status as well as quality assessment. Seven of 35 patients were lost to follow-up. Ninety-one percent of the 37 crowns, 23 partial crowns, and 89 inlays evaluated were in the posterior region. Combined survival estimate was 0.92 at the 48-month median observation time. Inlays and partial crowns performed well. Prevalence of complication and failure was highest for crowns (CP = 37.8%, FP = 21.6%). The results demonstrate that success relates to patient factors and restoration type, not luting protocol.