Full Professor in Restorative Dentistry at the University of Chieti, Italy. Dean of the Department of Restorative Dentistry and Dean of the greatest Department of the University of Chieti. Dean of School of Specialization in Pediatric Dentistry of University of Chieti. His clinical and research qualities, together with his didactic skills, are internationally recognized. He is an invited speaker in the most prestigious International Congresses and he is the scientific, he is didactic coordinator of several activities involving different International Universities and invited Professor in several international universities. He has been honorary professor at the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Stomatology since 2006 and member of the most eminent international scientific associations in the field of Restorative Dentistry and Adhesive Prosthodontics. Over the years, he has been practicing very high-level clinical activities, together with his own clinical Staff, setting-up within the University of Chieti one of the worldwide most advanced center in the field of Restorative Dentistry, Adhesive Prosthodontics and Occlusal Problems. In parallel with the clinical activities, at the University of Chieti he coordinates a dynamic research group, that has become over the years a reference point in Europe for the biomechanical studies on dental materials employed in Restorative Dentistry and Adhesive Prosthodontics and is particularly interested in the materials to be used for the full mouth rehabilitation of patients with parafunctions or TMJ disorders. His clinical and scientific knowledge about the problems, the procedures and the materials related to the oral rehabilitation of parafunctional and dysfunctional patients led to the publication of a textbook titled E.F.P. (Esthetical-Functional-Postural) Clinical Approach (ACME edition), together with Dr. Lorenzo Vanini. He is also author of another very successful volume published together with Macij Zarow, Gaetano Paolone, Gianluca Paniz and Luis Felippe translated in English, Polish, Russian and Portuguese: Endoprotesica (Ed. Quintessence). He published more than 100 papers on the most prestigious national and international journals.
José Carlos Martins da Rosa, DDS, ist Autor des Buches Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration: Immediately Loaded Implants in Compromised Sockets (Quintessence Publishing, 2014), erschienen in Portugiesisch, Spanisch, Englisch und Mandarin. Er hat in zahlreichen Fachzeitschriften Beiträge veröffentlicht und hält sowohl auf nationaler als auch auf internationaler Ebene Vorträge über parodontale, prothetische und chirurgische Implantologieverfahren, darunter auch Vorträge in Übersee über die Technik der sofortigen dentoalveolären Restauration. Dr. Rosa führt eine Praxis für Prothetik, Parodontologie und chirurgische Implantologie in Caxias do Sul, Brasilien.
Dr. Karim Dada is a Paris Descartes University graduate with post-graduate certificates in implant prosthodontics and surgery. One of his several notable recognitions is by the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie Dentaire in 2005, which honored his work in providing vital implant treatment to patients undergoing head and neck cancer radiotherapy. Dr. Dada's Paris-based private practice emphasizes perio-plastic surgery and implant dentistry, showcasing his expertise in these specialized fields.
Bettina Dannewitz ist ein Weilburg geboren und hat in Heidelberg Zahnmedizin studiert, wo sie auch Ihre dreijährige Spezialisierung im Fach Parodontologie abgeschlossen hat (2004). Sie hat an der Universität Heidelberg promoviert (2001) und habilitiert (2009) , und eine außerplanmäßige Professur an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (seit 2018). Von 2019-2022 war sie Präsidentin der deutschen Gesellschaft für Parodontologie (DG PARO), einer der größten zahnmedizinischen Fachgesellschaften in Deutschland. Seit 2022leitet sie das Communications Committee der European Federation of Periodontology (EFP). Zudem ist sie Autorin zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher Publikationen und Fortbildungsbeiträge, Gutachterin in mehreren Fachzeitschriften und Referentin auf großen internationalen und nationalen Tagungen. Ihr Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt umfasst neben der Parodontologie, die Zahnerhaltung und die Endodontologie.
Dr Lesley A. David is an oral and maxillofacial surgeon practising in Toronto in Canada. She is on the staff at Trillium Health Partners Hospital and the Mount Sinai Hospital. Dr David is a clinical instructor in the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Toronto and has been involved in teaching and research in the Implant Prosthodontic Unit at the university. She is a fellow and past examiner of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada. Additionally, she is on the advisory board for DC Institute, a continuing education provider, and is a remedial course provider in implants and oral and maxillofacial surgery for the Royal College of Dentists of Ontario. Dr David lectures nationally and internationally on various topics in implant dentistry and oral surgery. She has also published various articles and chapters, predominantly on implant dentistry.
Sybille David ist die Entwicklerin des Praxisknigge-Konzepts und die renommierteste Praxisknigge-Expertin der Dentalbranche. Das Buch "Der Praxisknigge" ist im Quintessenz-Verlag erschienen Zahlreiche Fachpublikationen zu den Themen Praxisknigge, Führungs- und Teamknigge, Kommunikation und Beratung, erscheinen regelmäßig in der Fachpresse. Die handlichen Booklets "Der Rezeptionsknigge" und der "Azubiknigge" sind nützliche Praxishilfen. Seminare und Vorträge für namhafte Veranstalter wie z.B. Zahnärztekammern, Qualitätszirkel, Verbände und Fortbildungseinrichtungen in Deutschland und der Schweiz zeugen von hohem Interesse für das Thema. Praxiscoaching und Praxistrainings für Team und Führungskräfte, Teamentwicklung und Strategien gegen Fachkräftemangel runden das Angebot der Referentin ab.
Catherine Davies, MBBCh, MBA, is a medical doctor practicing in Johannesburg, South Africa, with a special interest in esthetics, regenerative medicine, and hair restoration. She has over 14 years of experience in FUE hair transplant surgery. She is board certified in stem cell medicine from the A4M Academy in the United States. Dr Davies frequently lectures and trains on medical procedures and is passionate about medical education. She recently featured in and produced an international medical TV show called Outpatients, which is on its third successful season and airs in 180 countries. Her passion is to drive social change through the use of media. She is the proud mother of three children.
Glécio Vaz de Campos, DDS, received his DDS degree from the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in Araraquara, Brazil, in 1982. After he specialized in periodontics and prosthetics, several years of clinical practice led him to explore new techniques focusing on periodontal plastic surgery. In 1996, he was qualified on this subject at the Microsurgery Training Institute in Santa Barbara, California. He had a significant role in introducing periodontal and peri-implant plastic microsurgery techniques to Brazil and expanding the use of the operative microscope there. From 2000 to 2004, Dr Campos served as Director of the Operative Microscopy Department at the São Paulo Dental Association (APCD), where he organized the largest training facility on operative microscopy in South America. Dr Campos has coauthored 16 books related to periodontal and peri-implant plastic microsurgery, as well as scientific articles published in Brazil and abroad. Currently he maintains private practices in Jundiaí and São Paulo, Brazil, where he focuses on periodontal and peri-implant plastic microsurgery and offers regular training courses in his private microscopy laboratory in Jundiaí.
Spezialist für Endodontologie
Professor für Endodontologie – São Paulo Dental Association (APCD)