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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Christian H. Splieth (Hrsg.)

Revolutions in Pediatric Dentistry

1st Edition 2011
Hardcover, 224 Seiten, 183 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Kinderzahnheilkunde, Zahnheilkunde allgemein

Artikelnr.: BG097
ISBN 978-1-85097-212-9
QP Deutschland

$98.00 $15.00

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As a cross-sectional discipline that involves treatment from all areas of specialization, pediatric dentistry relies on the implementation of important developments in every dental field. This book discusses the most recent innovations in dentistry with direct implications for pediatric treatment and explores the rationale behind advocated changes in clinical practice. Presented by an international group of recognized specialists in their respective fields, the topics include the latest on epidemiologic research, fluoride guidelines, caries diagnosis, options for non- and minimally invasive caries treatment, pain-free techniques for local anesthesia, endodontic treatment, use of space maintainers, and treating children in vulnerable populations. With a focus on systematic, evidence-based dentistry, this book presents the developments that will set the standards of tomorrow.

Chapter 01. New Diagnostic Approaches: Promise or Reality?
Chapter 02. Changes in Dental Epidemiology and Consequences for Pediatric Dentistry
Chapter 03. Non-operative Caries Treatment
Chapter 04. Current Guidelines for the Use of Fluorides for Caries Prevention
Chapter 05. Antiseptic Agents for the Prevention of Caries in Children: A Dead Horse?
Chapter 06. Strategies for Further Reductions in Dental Caries: Applying the Common Risk Factor Approach and Directed Vulnerable Populations Strategy
Chapter 07. To Seal or not to Seal? A Modern Concept for Caries in Pits and Fissures
Chapter 08. To Seal or not to Seal? Options for Proximal Sealing
Chapter 09. Microinvasive Caries Treatment by Resin Infiltration
Chapter 10. To Drill or not to Drill? How Much Caries Removal Do We Need?
Chapter 11. Local Analgesia: What Are the Techniques That Provide Pain-Free Local Analgesia for Children
Chapter 12. The Hall Technique as a New Method for Managing Caries in Primary Molars: Is It Really a Revolution?
Chapter 13. Is There a Chance for Fillings in Primary Teeth? Indications and Techniques Where Fillings in Primary Teeth Make a Difference
Chapter 14. Pulpotomy: Is MTA/Portland Cement the Future?
Chapter 15. Pulpectomy
Chapter 16. Endodontic Management of Non-vital Anterior Teeth with Incomplete Root Development
Chapter 17. Space Maintenance: What Is the Clinical Evidence Behind It?

Fadi Alhaddad Alhamoui • Mohammad Alkilzy • Christine Berndt • Eşber Çağlar • Jette Christiansen • Monty Duggal • Dafydd J. P. Evans • Carlos Flores-Mir • Franklin Garcia-Godoy • Marie Charlotte Huysmans • Nicola P. T. Innes • Özgür Önder Kuşcu • Hendrik Meyer-Lueckel • Sebastian Paris • Ghalib Qadri • David N. J. Ricketts • Nüket Sandallı • Aubrey Sheiham • Christian H. Splieth • Richard Steffen • K. Jack Toumba • Wageh Twati • Svante Twetman • Hubertus van Waes

Prof. Dr. Christian H. Splieth

Deutschland, Greifswald

Prof. Dr. Christian H. Splieth Spezialist für Kinderzahnheilkunde, Leiter der Abteilung Präventive Zahnmedizin und Kinderzahnheilkunde an der Universität Greifswald, Past-President der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderzahnmedizin und der European Organisation for Caries Research (ORCA) sowie Autor und Referent im Bereich Kinderzahnheilkunde

Cover, Splieth: Revolutions in Pediatric Dentistry
"The book can be read as one unit or used as a reference. Both technique and theory alike are covered with clear and readable text and informative photos and diagrams. A positive feature for me is how current the text is, as the authors have accomplished their stated goal of presenting and integrating new developments on how best to treat children. This text is valuable in that it provides a comprehensive look at pediatric dentistry, while providing beneficial ways to actually practice that discipline."
Todd Belfbecker, DMD; Journal of Massachusetts Dental Society (Spring 2012)

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