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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Clovis Pagani

Tooth Preparations

Science & Art

1st Edition 2017
Hardcover, 17 x 24 cm, 312 Seiten, 841 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Prothetik, Restaurative Zahnheilkunde

Artikelnr.: BG124
ISBN 978-1-78698-001-4
QP Deutschland

$108.00 $28.00

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Well-executed cavity preparation remains the primary hallmark determining the success of indirect restorative procedures. This book details the basic principles and sequencing of cavity preparation and outlines the different preparation designs indicated for a variety of clinical situations. With a focus on biologic care, preservation of tooth structure, and precision, the author provides special guidance on incorporating these principles into daily practice, and the sections on instrumentation underscore how to improve clinical dexterity and concentration. By featuring sophisticated 3D illustrations throughout to detail each preparation design step by step, this book elevates this fundamental part of operative dentistry to an art form.

Chapter 1. Introduction to indirect restorations
Chapter 2. Restoration planning
Chapter 3. Principles of cavity preparation
Chapter 4. Intracoronal restorations
Chapter 5. Extracoronal restorations
Chapter 6. Conservative preparations: Minimally invasive dentistry
Chapter 7. Preparation of endodontically compromised teeth
Chapter 8. Milled adhesive restorations
Cover, Pagani: Tooth Preparations

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