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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Efthimia K. Basdra

Envisioning the future of orthodontics: biology paves the way to rational treatment

27 Minuten

Rubrik(en): Kieferorthopädie
Sprache(n): Englisch
Publikationsjahr: 2009
Video-Quelle: 60 Jahre Quintessenz

Orthodontic tooth movement is based on the ability of alveolar bone tissue to respond to external force application by remodeling. Despite the accumulation of scientific data and recent developments from the area of bone biology our knowledge on alveolar bone tissue response remains rather limited. Although some of the components involved in the mechanical force application- signaling pathway have been identified, our understanding of optimal orthodontic force is far from complete. The present lecture will focus on recent scientific development in understanding orthodontic force application, cell and tissue response, paving the way of the clinical orthodontist to evidence base rational treatment. Envisioning the future in orthodontics directs to:
(a) clarification of the molecular mechanisms involved in the alveolar bone tissue response and manipulation of the components through pharmaceutical intervention;
(b) exact characterization of optimal orthodontic forces, and treatment mechanics and
(c) development of sophisticated (biotechnology?) materials (wires, brackets etc.) in order to plan the most advantageous orthodontic therapy for each patient.

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