After completing his basic training as a dental technician, Peter Lerch opted for professional residencies and further training at home and abroad. In 1988/89 he completed his training as a prosthodontist at the University of Zurich. He worked as a consultant in his institute and is a lecturer in prosthetics and functional analysis. He is also active as a speaker at home and abroad. He is credited with various noteworthy professional publications and video productions. His self-developed treatment concept, the Lerch Concept, is known worldwide and is constantly being refined. In addition, he is and has been involved in various developments such as the CONCEPTOR Alpha (first device to simulate mandibular movement), the SOLUTION ceramic anterior tooth (ENTA) and preciform d (bredent) (impression instrument). In 1994 he founded the I.S.P. Individual System Prothetik AG and later, founded and took over the management of the Institute for Functional Analysis and Prosthetics. These days he deals with, patient consultations, functional analysis and the resulting therapeutic consequences. He is passively involved in the following associations: DGZMK, DGFDT and AKPP.