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Internationally renowned for his achievements in the fields of periodontal and peri-implant diseases as well as esthetic periodontal soft tissue corrections, Dr. Zuhr is one of the world's leading oral surgeons. Together with Prof. Dr. Hürzeler, he wrote a specialist book in 2011 which, according to his colleagues, is "without doubt one of the most important oral surgery publications of recent years and a must-read for every periodontist and implantologist." Dr. Zuhr studied dentistry in Aachen and in the USA. He is a specialist in Periodontology and has been a board member of the German Society of Periodontology since 2007.
Expected publication: April 2025 1st Edition 2025 Book Three-volume book in a slipcase; Hardcover; 23.5 x 30.5 cm; incl 19 videos with 34 minutes total runtime, 1900 pages, 4900 illus Language: English Categories: Implantology, Oral Surgery, Periodontics Stock No.: BG180 ISBN 978-1-78698-126-4 QP Deutschland
1st Edition 2024 Book 3 Bände im Hardcover im Schuber; 23,5 x 30,5 cm; inkl. 19 Videos mit 34 Minuten Gesamtlaufzeit, 1900 pages, 4900 illus Language: German Categories: Implantology, Oral Surgery, Periodontics ISBN 978-3-86867-625-9 QP Deutschland
2nd Edition 2016 DVD 4 DVDs with 10 videos in a box, Runtime: 08:05 hours Language: English Categories: Implantology, Oral Surgery, Periodontics Stock No.: C3110 ISBN 978-1-85097-294-5 QP Deutschland
2., unveränderte Auflage 2016 DVD 10 Bände auf 4 DVDs in kompakter Box, Laufzeit: 08:05 Std. Language: German Categories: Implantology, Oral Surgery, Periodontics ISBN 978-3-86867-310-4 QP Deutschland
1st Edition 2014 DVD PAL/NTSC, Runtime: 130 min Language: English Categories: Implantology, Oral Surgery, Periodontics ISBN 978-1-85097-275-4 QP Deutschland
1st Edition 2012 Book Hardcover, 22 x 28,5 cm, 872 pages, 1905 illus Language: English Categories: Implantology, Oral Surgery, Periodontics Stock No.: BG101 ISBN 978-1-85097-226-6 QP Deutschland
1. Auflage 2012 Book Hardcover, 872 pages, 1905 illus Language: German Categories: Implantology, Oral Surgery, Periodontics ISBN 978-3-86867-021-9 QP Deutschland
1st Edition 2010 DVD DVD Compendium; 15 Videos in 3 Boxes; PAL; 945 min Language: English Categories: Implantology, Periodontics Stock No.: C1212 QP Deutschland
1. Auflage 2005 DVD DVD-Kompendium, 15 DVDs in 3 Boxen, Laufzeit: 945 Min. Language: German Categories: Implantology, Periodontics ISBN 978-3-87652-766-6 QP Deutschland
Length: 23 minutes Production year: 2016 Language: English, German Series: Dental Video Journal Category: Periodontics available since: October 14, 2016
Length: 30 minutes Production year: 2011 Language: English, German Series: Dental Video Journal Category: Implantology available since: January 18, 2012
Length: 38 minutes Production year: 2008 Language: English, German Series: Dental Video Journal Category: Periodontics available since: November 21, 2008
Details make perfectionOctober 24, 2024 — October 26, 2024MiCo - Milano Convention Centre, Milano, Italy
Speakers: Bilal Al-Nawas, Gil Alcoforado, Federico Hernández Alfaro, Sofia Aroca, Wael Att, Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, Kathrin Becker, Anne Benhamou, Juan Blanco Carrión, Dieter Bosshardt, Daniel Buser, Francesco Cairo, Paolo Casentini, Raffaele Cavalcanti, Tali Chackartchi, Renato Cocconi, Luca Cordaro, Luca De Stavola, Nuno Sousa Dias, Egon Euwe, Vincent Fehmer, Alberto Fonzar, Helena Francisco, Lukas Fürhauser, German O. Gallucci, Oscar Gonzalez-Martin, Dominik Groß, Robert Haas, Alexis Ioannidis, Simon Storgård Jensen, Ronald Jung, France Lambert, Luca Landi, Georg Mailath-Pokorny jun., Silvia Masiero, Iva Milinkovic, Carlo Monaco, José Nart, José M. Navarro, Katja Nelson, Manuel Nienkemper, David Nisand, Michael Payer, Sergio Piano, Bjarni E. Pjetursson, Sven Reich, Isabella Rocchietta, Giuseppe Romeo, Irena Sailer, Mariano Sanz, Ignacio Sanz Martín, Frank Schwarz, Shakeel Shahdad, Massimo Simion, Ralf Smeets, Benedikt Spies, Bogna Stawarczyk, Martina Stefanini, Hendrik Terheyden, Tiziano Testori, Daniel Thoma, Ana Torres Moneu, Piero Venezia, Lukas Waltenberger, Hom-Lay Wang, Stefan Wolfart, Giovanni Zucchelli, Otto Zuhr
February 22, 2024 — February 26, 2024Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Speakers: Nuno Sousa Dias, Gustavo Giordani, Nazariy Mykhaylyuk, Hom-Lay Wang, Giovanni Zucchelli, Otto Zuhr
The 9th World Dental Meeting in Japan 2023
No Dentistry, No Wellness!September 29, 2023 — October 1, 2023Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center, Yokohama, Japan
Speakers: Alessandro Agnini, Andrea Mastrorosa Agnini, Wael Att, Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, Markus B. Blatz, Victor Clavijo, Karim Dada, Glécio Vaz de Campos, Vincent Fehmer, Naoki Hayashi, Mario Imburgia, Guillaume Jouanny, Sérgio Kahn, Bertrand Khayat, Christopher Köttgen, Stefen Koubi, Tomas Linkevičius, Nazariy Mykhaylyuk, Ravindra Nanda, Andreas Nolte, Léon Parienté, Jose Manuel Reuss , Domenico Ricucci, Isabella Rocchietta, Irena Sailer, Todd R. Schoenbaum, Werner Schupp, Sandra Khong Tai, Istvan Urban, Eric Van Dooren, Débora R. Vilaboa, Otto Zuhr
Quintessence Publishing Co. Ltd. Japan
3rd Urban International Hard and Soft Tissue Regeneration Symposium
Predictability in RegenerationOctober 21, 2022 — October 22, 2022Budapest Congress Center, Budapest, Hungary
Speakers: José Carlos Martins da Rosa, Luca De Stavola, Ueli Grunder, Jaime Lozada, Aušra Ramanauskaitė, Frank Schwarz, Istvan Urban, Giovanni Zucchelli, Otto Zuhr
Urban Regeneration Institute
This author's journal articles
Quintessenz Zahnmedizin, 1/2022
ProthetikPages 52-57, Language: GermanStähler, Philip / Gülnergiz, Erdem / Abraha, Sophia M / Zuhr, Otto / Hürzeler, Markus
Am vorliegenden Fall einer Adhäsivbrücke am lateralen Schneidezahn wird die ästhetisch motivierte Kieferkammaugmentation vorgestellt. Der heutzutage übliche weichgewebige Kieferkammaufbau erfolgt mit tunnelierenden Techniken sowie intraoral gewonnenen Bindegewebetransplantaten. Der gleichzeitige bindegewebige Kammaufbau mit Einbringen der prothetisch bereits ideal ausgeformten Adhäsivbrückenbasis ermöglicht die einzeitige Etablierung eines ästhetischen Emergenzprofils am Brückenglied.
Manuskripteingang: 07.10.2021, Annahme: 08.11.2021
Keywords: Ästhetik, Weichgewebemanagement, Transplantat, Adhäsivbrücke
Maintaining soft and hard tissues around dental implants after tooth extraction is one of the major challenges in implant dentistry. After tooth extraction, the subsequent loss of bone and soft tissue is inevitable due to the partial resorption of the buccal bone plate. The recently described socket shield technique addresses the problem by maintaining the buccal piece of the tooth in the extraction socket in order to preserve the buccal bone. As with every new technique, specific complications, like infection of the buccal piece of the tooth, can occur. Herein, the authors present a clinical case that developed a complication with the socket shield technique and the consequential surgical management.
Die Socket-Shield-Technik wurde erstmals im Jahr 2010 publiziert und ist inzwischen weltweit wissenschaftlich und klinisch anerkannt. Um möglichen Komplikationen bei diesem innovativen Ansatz für die ästhetische Implantologie zu begegnen, wird im vorliegenden Artikel ein umfassendes Schritt-für- Schritt-Protokoll vorgestellt, das die im letzten Jahrzehnt gemachten Erfahrungen mit aufnimmt. Nach der Dekoronation des Zahns wird das Implantatbett durch die Wurzel des nicht erhaltungswürdigen Zahns hindurch präpariert. Nach der Extraktion des palatinalen Wurzelfragments wird dann der Schild nach dem Prinzip einer mechanischen oder einer biologischen "Sperrung" präpariert. Die mechanische "Sperrung" wird durch direkten Kontakt des Implantats mit dem Schild bewirkt. Beim biologischen Ansatz hingegen wird versucht, eine Ankylose des Schildes herbeizuführen. Ziel ist, die Koronalverlagerung des Schildes zu verhindern. Der koronale Anteil des Schildes wird in eine konkave Form gebracht und endet 0,5 mm koronal des vestibulären Knochens. Anschließend wird das Implantat gesetzt und ein individueller Gingivaformer hergestellt. Wird die Socket-Shield-Technik im Einklang mit den zugrunde liegenden biologischen und mechanischen Prinzipien ausgeführt, liefert sie vorhersagbar hochästhetische Resultate.
The socket-shield technique, first published in 2010, has gained worldwide scientific and clinical acceptance. To address possible complications with this innovative approach in esthetic implant dentistry, we provide a comprehensive step-by-step protocol incorporating what we have learnt in the past decade. After initial decoronation of the tooth, the implant bed is prepared through the root of the tooth to be extracted. Following extraction of the palatal root fragments, the shield is prepared according to either a mechanical or biologic 'locking' principle. The mechanical 'locking' comprises a direct contact between the implant and the shield, whereas the biologic approach facilitates ankylosis of the shield, preventing its coronal displacement. The coronal part of the shield is brought into a concave shape, ending up 0.5 mm coronal to the buccal bone. The implant is consequently inserted, and an individualized healing cap fabricated. When performed according to the underlying biologic and mechanical principles, the socket-shield technique can provide highly esthetic and predictable outcomes.
Interdisziplinäre KieferorthopädiePages 47-51, Language: GermanHürzeler, Markus / Zuhr, Otto / Richter, Wolf / Ludwig, Björn / Zimmermann, Moritz / Hürzeler, Bärbel / Schoberer, Uli
Die Behandlung von Erwachsenen nimmt einen hohen Anteil im kieferorthopädischen Alltag ein. Erwachsenenbehandlungen zeichnen sich in der Kieferorthopädie meist durch eine hohe Komplexität aus und erfordern daher das Zusammenspiel mehrerer Fachdisziplinen, um das Behandlungsziel zu erreichen. In der neuen Rubrik "Interdisziplinäre Kieferorthopädie" werden komplexe interdisziplinäre Patientenbeispiele vorgestellt. Der Beitrag basiert auf der Originalpublikation Hürzeler et al. Int J Esthet Dent 2019;14:116–117.
Keywords: ästhetische Zone, interdisziplinäre Kieferorthopädie, Miniimplantate, vertikale Augmentation, implant site development
International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry (EN), 2/2019
PubMed ID (PMID): 31061992Pages 116-117, Language: EnglishHürzeler, Markus / Zuhr, Otto / Richter, Wolf / Ludwig, Björn / Hürzeler, Bärbel / Schoberer, Uli
Immediate implant placement is often accompanied by tissue resorption and mucosal recession. A key factor in this context is the loss of bundle bone in the area of the buccal bone lamella after tooth extraction. To preserve the buccal bone and the periodontal ligament in the facial area, the "socket shield" technique for implant bed preparation was developed, where part of the root is retained. After the potential of the technique had been demonstrated in animal studies, it was also evaluated scientifically in clinical application for long-term complications and esthetic outcomes. According to the currently available clinical experience and scientific data, high esthetic results can be achieved with reduced invasiveness compared to conventional treatment protocols. Before a general treatment recommendation can be given, higher-level evidence in the form of prospective clinical trials with long-term follow-up must be performed. Increasingly available documentation in the literature indicates that the "socket shield" technique is a promising treatment approach for the esthetic zone.
Keywords: Socket shield, immediate implant, esthetic zone, buccal bone, tissue preservation
In contemporary reconstructive periodontal and implant surgery, attaining uncomplicated wound healing in the early postoperative healing phase is the key to achieving a successful treatment outcome and is of central interest, from the clinical as well as the scientific perspective. The realization of primary wound healing is the central challenge in most cases. Two of the evidence-based factors that affect postoperative wound healing can be influenced by the surgeon: the blood supply to the surgical site and postoperative wound stability. The surgical suture is a key determinant of whether adequate wound stability is achieved in this context without complicating the course of wound healing by exerting unnecessary trauma or excessive tensile strain on the wound edges. Therefore, the inclusion of anchors in the suturing process that make it possible to achieve the best wound stability possible is often an important key to success. This article provides an overview of the principles of successful wound closure that are relevant to postoperative wound healing in order to equip dentists with the tools needed for the correct, indication-specific selection and performance of surgical suturing techniques in daily practice. (Quintessence Int 2017;48:647-660; originally published (in German) in Implantologie 2016;24:281-294; doi: 10.3290/j.qi.a38706)
Keywords: microsurgery, suture anchoring, suture material, suturing technique, wound closure, wound healing