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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Ole T. Jensen (Editor)

The Sinus Bone Graft

3rd Edition 2019
Hardcover, 21,6 x 27,9 cm, 288 pages, 948 illustrations
Language: English
Categories: Implantology, Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Surgery

Stock No.: B7918
ISBN 978-0-86715-791-8


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As research proceeds on treatment of the resorbed posterior maxilla, new techniques and innovations continue to be adopted to solve this clinical problem. While the previous edition of this book provided detailed information on the types of grafting materials and procedures available at the time, this completely revised version looks to the future with new strategies for treatment, some of which avoid grafting altogether. This book not only reviews the time-tested lateral window approach for sinus elevation and grafting but also describes a variety of techniques to approach the sinus transcrestally, with or without grafting material. One section of the book is devoted entirely to the different types of implants and implant placement techniques available, many of which are designed specifically to avoid sinus elevation. In addition to clinical case studies and descriptions of how to perform specific surgical procedures, this book includes discussions on the science of bone formation and how continued research brings us closer every day to the ultimate goal of using tissue engineering to completely regenerate new teeth.

Section I: Surgical Options for Bone Grafting
Chapter 01. Bone Grafting Strategies for the Sinus Floor
Chapter 02. Diagnosis and Treatment of Sinus Infections
Chapter 03. Osteoperiosteal Flaps for Sinus Grafting
Chapter 04. The Alveolar Split Approach for Sinus Grafting
Chapter 05. Complex Techniques for Posterior Maxillary Reconstruction

Section II: Lateral and Transcrestal Sinus Elevation
Chapter 06. Lateral Window Surgical Techniques for Sinus Elevation
Chapter 07. Sinus Floor Augmentation Without Bone Graft
Chapter 08. Intraoperative Complications with the Lateral Window Technique
Chapter 09. Transcrestal Window Surgical Technique for Sinus Elevation
Chapter 10. Transcrestal Sinus Augmentation with Osseodensification
Chapter 11. Transcrestal Hydrodynamic Piezoelectric Sinus Elevation

Section III: Implant Placement in the Resorbed Posterior Maxilla
Chapter 12. Lateral and Transcrestal Bone Grafting with Short Implants
Chapter 13. Transsinus Implants
Chapter 14. Guided Extrasinus Zygomatic and Pterygoid Implants
Chapter 15. Navigation for Transsinus Placement of Zygomatic Implants
Chapter 16. Arch-Length Threshold for Using Zygomatic Implants
Chapter 17. Pterygoid Implants
Chapter 18. The Nazalus Implant
Chapter 19. Ultrawide Implants in Molar Sites
Chapter 20. Restoration and Abutment Options

Section IV: Evolution and Innovations in Maxillary Bone Regeneration
Chapter 21. The Sinus Consensus Conference: Results and Innovations
Chapter 22. Sharpey Fiber Biologic Model for Bone Formation
Chapter 23. Using BMP-2 to Increase Bone-to-Implant Contact
Chapter 24. Tissue-Engineered Bone and Cell-Conditioned Media
Chapter 25. Tissue Engineering of the Dental Organ for the Posterior Maxilla

Ole T. Jensen DDS, MS

United States of America
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Cover, Jensen: The Sinus Bone Graft

‚‚Der Herausgeber Ole T. Jensen hat in seiner [vorherigen] zweiten Auflage einen sehr guten Überblick über Operationstechniken beim Sinuslift vorgelegt. Das Buch gilt als Referenzwerk bei regenerativer Knochenchirurgie der Kieferhöhle. [...] Das Buch ist jedem zu empfehlen der sich mit Sinuslift und lmplantologie näher auseinandersetzen will und dabei die neuesten wissenschaftlichen Aspekte einbeziehen möchte.’’

Dr. Andreas Sascha Virnik über die zweite Auflage des Buches in Kärntner Ärztezeitung, Ausgabe 11/2007

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