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  • Quintessence Publishing USA

'Mucogingival Esthetic Surgery around Implants' by Prof Giovanni Zucchelli

Language(s): English, German
Publication year: 2022

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Production year: 2020
Language: German
Source: quincee-App
Category: Conservative Dentistry
available since: July 12, 2023

Coverage of a singular recession with the coronal advancement flap technique and autologous connective tissue

Marc Hürzeler / Otto Zuhr

Length: 23 minutes
Production year: 2013
Language: English, German
Series: Zuhr-Hürzeler DVD-Kompendium
Categories: Implantology, Surgery, Periodontics
available since: April 22, 2016


Toothbrush and toothpaste

Gerd H. Basting / Alexander Ammann

Length: 1 minutes
Production year: 2007
Language: English, German
Source: PED
Category: Oral hygiene
available since: July 1, 2011