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Zum Warenkorb
  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Gerd H. Basting / Alexander Ammann

Wenn die Prothese drückt

1 Minutes

Category: Removable dentures
Language(s): German, English
Publication year: 2007
Video source: PED

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Gum diseases and no end

Gerd H. Basting / Alexander Ammann

Length: 1 minutes
Production year: 2007
Language: English, German
Source: PED
Category: Gums and supporting structures
available since: July 1, 2011

3D-Planung und schablonengeführte Implantation im zahnlosen Kiefer

Axel Kirsch / Karl-Ludwig Ackermann / Gerhard Neuendorff

Length: 43 minutes
Production year: 2012
Language: German, English
Series: Kompendium Implantatprothetik
Category: Implantology
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Probleme der Überfüllung

Cengiz Koçkapan

Length: 57 minutes
Production year: 2010
Language: German
Source: 10. Endodontie-Symposium
Category: Endodontics
available since: July 6, 2010