Purpose: Newly developed non-invasive methods for replace a missing tooth and closing single-tooth gaps in the poster- ior region using resin composite are presented.
Materials and Methods: Four different non-invasive methods and the technical procedures, materials and instruments used are presented in a case series. These include the direct intraoral insertion of composite (with and without individual shaping aids) and indirect restorations, which are fabricated conventionally or digitally and bonded.
Results: The case series showed that all four methods can be used to replace single missing teeth in the posterior region, meeting current clinical requirements. Particular attention was paid to the design of the pontics, the dimension of the connector area, firm proximal contacts to the adjacent teeth, hygiene, and appearance of the non-prep bridges (NPBs). The advantages and disadvantages for both the direct and indirect techniques illustrated in this case series were com- pared in detail.
Conclusions: Several direct and indirect non-invasive methods for single-tooth replacement are available today. Although the evidence is still limited, there is a potential for frugal dental interventions with NPBs. Further experimental and clinical studies are necessary to demonstrate that they reliably meet quality requirements (including sufficient survival rates), satisfy the criteria of cost-effectiveness (compared to treatment alternatives) and that there is a demand from the population.
Palabras clave: all-composites, cantilever design, gap-closure in the posterior area, non-invasive restorative methods