Páginas 503-513, Idioma: InglésGomez-Roman, German / Kruppenbacher, Michael / Weber, Heiner / Schulte, WilliThe present study investigated 124 stepped-screw implants (gritblasted and acid-etched surface) placed in 104 patients immediately after tooth extraction or implant explantation and followed between August 1990 and December 1996. Implants of varying diameters and lengths were used to cover a wide range of indications in both the maxilla and mandible; 68% of the implants supported single-tooth replacements. The study parameters included Plaque Index, Gingival Index, probing depth, Periotest values, and peri-implant bone loss. Statistical analysis according to Kaplan-Meier revealed a 97% survival rate.
Palabras clave: alveolar bone loss, bone level, dental implants, endosseous dental implantation, implant-supported prosthesis, surface properties