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  • Quintessence Publishing USA

Prof. Dr. Katja Nelson

Alemania, Freiburg

Specialist training in Oral Surgery at the Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Virchow Clinic, Berlin. Studies and doctorate, Free University of Berlin, Habilitation Humboldt University of Berlin. Research focus: Bone physiology, implant hardware, digital implantology. Clinical focus: Aesthetic and complex implant rehabilitations, augmentations. Since 2003, head of the Department of Implantology and Special Prosthodontics, Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Humboldt University. 2010 - 2017 head of the Implantology Section, Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital Freiburg. In 2017, appointed to the W3 professorship in Translational Implantology, University Hospital Freiburg.


1 Productos encontrados

Katja Nelson / Tobias Fretwurst

Einfach Implantologie

1st Edition 2025
Softcover, 16,8 x 24 cm, 120 páginas, 147 ilustración
Idioma: Alemán
Categoría: Implantología
ISBN 978-3-86867-586-3
QP Deutschland



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