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  • Quintessence Publishing USA

Daniele Rondoni

Italia, Savona

Born in Savona in 1961 where he lives and has worked in his own laboratory since 1982 with his collaborators. Graduated from the dental technicians school IPSIA “P.Gaslini” in Genoa in 1979. He continued his education by attending relevant workshops for the “Italian dental school “and furthered his professional experience in Switzerland, Germany and Japan. Particularly interested in the morphology and dental aesthetics, he has collaborated in the development of aesthetic dental restoration materials. and is author of “Techniques of Ceramic multistratification” (ed.UTET). He has created a manual for laboratory work on the use of composite materials by determining work protocols for the indirect technique and also for the technique of pressing composite structures on metal know as the “inverse stratification system” which he designed. He is the author of numerous articles on aesthetic restoration published in Italy and abroad. Some of his cases are published in the text “The conservative restoration of anterior teeth.”(ed.ACME) Vanini Mangani Klimovscaja. other clinical cases are presented by Dr. W. Devoto in the publication ”Restorative Dentistry: Treatment procedures and future prospects” (Ed. E. Masson). Active member EAED. Member and speaker SICED. Teacher-trainer in practical dental aesthetics at the graduate school of Brescia SICED.


2 Productos encontrados

Maciej Zarow / Walter Devoto / Margarida Henrique / Louis Hardan / Marco Nicastro / Daniele Rondoni


Fantasía | Riesgo | Éxito

Publicación prevista: marzo 2024
1a Edición 2024
Cartoné; 28 x 21 cm; 19 vídeos, 352 páginas, 1526 ilustración
Idioma: Español
Categorías: Odontología estética, Odontología restaurativa
ISBN 978-3-86867-719-5
QP Deutschland

Producto en preparación.

Maciej Zarow / Walter Devoto / Margarida Henrique / Louis Hardan / Marco Nicastro / Daniele Rondoni


Fantasy | Risk | Success

1st Edition 2023
Hardcover; 28 x 21 cm; 19 Videos, 352 páginas, 1526 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Odontología estética, Odontología restaurativa
Nº de stock: BG156
ISBN 978-1-78698-116-5
QP Deutschland




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