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  • Quintessence Publishing USA

John M. Whitworth PhD, BChD, FDS, RCS

Reino Unido

John Whitworth has led endodontic teaching and clinical service at Newcastle Dental School and Hospital, UK for more than 20 years. An active teacher, specialist clinician, researcher and scholar, he is a Past President of the British Endodontic Society, served the International Endodontic Journal as Assistant Editor/Deputy Editor in Chief for 10 years, and served the European Society of Endodontology as Chair of its Education and Scholarship Committee and as an Executive Board member. He has published numerous research articles and contributed to a number of standard textbooks.


1 Productos encontrados

John M. Whitworth

Rational Root Canal Treatment in Practice

Serie: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 02
2nd Edition 2014
Hardcover, 144 páginas, 188 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Endodoncia
Nº de stock: BL036
ISBN 978-1-85097-276-1
QP United Kingdom


Artículos de este autor en revistas