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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Roberto Pistilli / Pietro Felice

Anatomy and Surgery of the Mandible

1st Edition 2023
Hardcover; 21.6 x 28 cm, 184 páginas, 772 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Cirugía oral

Nº de stock: B9448
ISBN 978-0-86715-944-8


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For every surgeon, knowledge of the anatomy is a crowning achievement that goes hand in hand with the expertise to manage surgical difficulties. Most surgeons will tell you that such knowledge can only be obtained through anatomical dissection. However, the next best thing is this book. The authors have crafted an exceptional guide to surgical anatomy of the oral cavity that includes examples of everyday clinical scenarios as well as surgical complications that can arise. The focus of this volume is on the mandibular fossae, the lower lip, the mental foramen, the symphysis and body of the mandible, the retromolar region, and the ascending ramus. Each area is explained using detailed cadaver dissections and clinical and radiographic images. This book also includes more than 60 videos throughout to demonstrate anatomical dissections and surgical procedures.

Chapter 1. Perioral Anatomical Spaces
Chapter 2. Lower Lip
Chapter 3. Mandibular Symphysis: Mental Foramina and Interforaminal Region
Chapter 4. Posterior Vestibular Fornix of the Mandible
Chapter 5. Vestibular and lingual Surfaces of the Mandibular Body
Chapter 6. Mandibular Body and Mandibular Nerve Region
Chapter 7. Retromolar Trigone and Lingual Nerve
Chapter 8. Medial Surface of the Mandibular Ramus
Chapter 9. Floor of the Mouth and Tongue



Roberto Pistilli MD, DDS


Roberto Pistilli, MD, DDS, is a maxillofacial surgeon executive at the San Camilo Folanini Hospital in Rome, Italy. He directs annual dissection courses of the neck and oral cavity at Miguel Hernandez de Elche University in Spain and is an adjunct professor teaching postgraduate courses at Bologna Univeristy as well as Genoa University. Dr Pistilli is a member of many professional associations and currently serves as the President of the Roman Academy of Oral Surgery and Implantology; the Vice President of the Italian Academy of Osseointegration; and the Vice President of Bone, Biomaterials, & Beyond Academy. He is the author of the two-volume series of Anatomia e chirurgia del cavo orale (EditaliaMedica, 2020 and 2022). Dr Pistilli maintains a private practice limited to oral and maxillofacial surgery in Ladispoli, Italy.


Prof. Dr. Pietro Felice MD, DDS, PhD

Italia, Bologna

Prof. Pietro Felice graduated in Dentistry and subsequently in Medicine at the University of Bologna. He completed his research doctorate in Dermatological, Maxillofacial and Plastic Reconstructive Sciences. He is currently Associate Professor of Dental Sciences at Bologna University lecturing in Oral Surgery and in Implant Surgery in the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prostheses. He is Head of the Post-graduate School in Oral Surgery and Director of the Master Degree in Implant and Bone Augmentation Surgery. Prof. Felice has published many articles in international journals and serves on the editorial board of specialist international journals. He is a member of leading international associations of implantology and dental surgery.

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Cover, Pistilli/Felice: Anatomy and Surgery of the Mandible

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