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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Anna Mariniello / Fabio Cozzolino

Atlas of Bracketless Fixed Lingual Orthodontics

Basic Concepts

1st Edition 2015
Hardcover, 368 páginas, 1415 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Ortodoncia

Nº de stock: BI032
ISBN 978-88-7492-020-4
QP Italy

$180.00 $15.00

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This atlas illustrates a bracketless technique for resolving malocclusions in the permanent dentition that provides invisible orthodontic treatment with minimal patient discomfort. This innovative method, characterized by the use of orthodontic wires directly bonded to the lingual surfaces of the teeth, was first used to treat relapse of anterior misalignments and tooth crowding in the anterior dentition. Over time the technique has evolved, and the authors now use bracketless fixed lingual orthodontics to resolve all types of malocclusions. This monograph details their technique, including the materials used, clinical procedure for forming appliances, bonding to dental surfaces, detailed analysis of possible treatments in relation to various malocclusions, and how to control specific tooth movements. The therapeutic concepts are fully illustrated through case examples of increasing complexity. Additional topics covered include use of provisional teeth in extraction cases as well as bone regeneration through orthodontic movements.

Chapter 1. Materials Used
Chapter 2. Clinical Procedure
Chapter 3. Analysis of Tooth Movements
Chapter 4. Clinical Cases
Chapter 5. Bone Regeneration by Means of Orthodontic Movement
Chapter 6. Management of Orthodontic Extractions and Provisional Teeth


Dr. Anna Mariniello DDS, MSc

She graduated with merit and distinction in dentistry from the Faculty of Medicine of the Univerity of Naples Federico II in 2004. She received her specialist degree in orthodontics from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, in 2012. She has authored publications in both national and international journals. She lectures and presents clinical case presentations at national and international congresses. Her interests focus almost exclusively on bracketless fixed lingual orthodontics. She works in private practice in Naples with Dr Fabio Cozzolino, whose interests are periodontology and implant dentistry, and Dr Roberto Sorrentino, who practices prosthetic and esthetic dentistry.

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