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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Robert A. Sader / Michael Kann / Diether Reusch


Professional Tooth Whitening with Light

1st Edition 2019
Mediabook; Laufzeit | runtime: 21 min
Idioma: Alemán, Inglés
Categorías: Odontología estética, Profilaxis

Nº de stock: C2118
ISBN 978-3-86867-415-6
QP Deutschland


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Long-term tooth whitening is achievable when it is performed by trained dental staff, closely supervised by a knowledgeable dentist, and supported by good at-home oral care. This DVD is a great refresher for office staff. It presents the causes of tooth discoloration, explains the differences between cosmetic and medical tooth whitening, illustrates the physical principles through 3D animation, and visualizes the step-by-step workflow of a tooth whitening procedure. In addition, a team of experts provides answers on how to consistently achieve long-term success in tooth whitening and explores some of the associated risks. They also reflect on the current science as well as legal and economic considerations. The accompanying booklet outlines the materials used and includes a checklist of information to capture in patient medical and dental histories and the initial consultation.


Prof. Dr. Dr. Robert A. Sader

Alemania, Frankfurt

Specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery/plastic surgery. Main focus on facial deformity surgery and new procedures in dental implantology, in particular biomaterials. President of the German Society for Esthetic Dentistry (DGÄZ) and the Frankfurt am Main Dental Association of 1863. Secretary General-elect of the International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry (IFED). Since 2014 also Medical Director and Managing Director of the Carolinum Zahnärztliches Universitäts-Institut gGmbH at Goethe University.


Michael Kann


Dr. Diether Reusch

Alemania, Westerburg
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Cover, Sader/Reusch/Kann, Bleaching
Trailer | 25 Actas

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