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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Federico Hernández Alfaro

Bone Grafting in Oral Implantology

Techniques and Clinical Applications

1st Edition 2006
Hardcover, 234 páginas, 1000 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Implantología, Cirugía oral, Periodoncia

Nº de stock: BL016
ISBN 978-1-85097-103-0
QP United Kingdom

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Bone reconstruction of defects resulting from atrophy, injury, congenital malformations, or neoplasms has become a routine part of dental rehabilitation procedures, but it requires sound knowledge of bone repair processes and graft behavior. This book presents protocols for harvesting, preserving, and placing bone grafts that are based on the biology and general principles of bone grafting involving the symphysis, ascending ramus and body, coronoid process, maxillary tuberosity, sinus wall, zygomatic buttress, calvarium, iliac crest, and tibia.

Chapter 01. Biology of Bone Grafting
Chapter 02. General Principles of Bone Grafting
Chapter 03. Symphysis
Chapter 04. Ascending Ramus and Body
Chapter 05. Coronoid Process
Chapter 06. Maxillary Tuberosity
Chapter 07. Sinus Wall
Chapter 08. Zygomatic Buttress
Chapter 09. Calvarium
Chapter 10. Iliac Crest
Chapter 11. Tibia

Carlos Arranz Obispo • María José Biosca • Eloy García Diez • Javier Giméno Medina • Carlos Martí Pagés

Federico Hernández Alfaro MD, DDS, PhD, FEBOMS

España, Barcelona

Prof. Hernández-Alfaro studied medicine and dentistry and specialized in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Barcelona, Spain. He obtained his PhD at International University of Catalonia , and is Diplomate by the European Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. He is currently Chief of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Teknon Medical Center, the largest private facility in Spain. He is also Professor and Chairman of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain). Dr. Hernández Alfaro’s main interest is Orthognathic and Preprosthetic Surgery and has published, and lectured worldwide in these fields.

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Cover, Alfaro: Bone Grafting in Oral Implantology

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