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Zum Warenkorb
  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Paul Sipos / Andreas Nolte


Publicación prevista: abril 2025
1st Edition 2025
Softcover; 15.5 x 22 cm, 376 páginas, 757 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Odontología en general, Implantología, Cirugía oral, Odontología estética, Prótesis

ISBN 978-1-78698-138-7
QP Deutschland

Producto en preparación.


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This “casebook” contains a wealth of illustrative records documenting cases that can be used for reference and instruction. The book, written by a highly skilled dentist and dental technician team, shows clinical and dental procedures for specialized treatments using multiple techniques that have achieved excellent results. The high-quality photographs and concise texts make it a visually stimulating and informative reference for treating anterior dental anomalies with the help of implants.

Immediate with soft tissue • Socket shield • Pink spot • Root resorption with bone loss • Single incisor • High visibility • Front bridge on implants • Retaining a root • Bone block • Removable reconstruction • Appendix



Dr. Paul Sipos Msc

Países Bajos, Amstelveen

Dr. Paul Sipos MSc. works as a periodontist and implant dentist at the Center for Implantology and Periodontology Amstelveen The Netherlands. His office maintains a SPSS database with over 16.000 implant treatments. He started his career as a dentist and periodontist for the Royal Netherlands Navy Dental Services and received periodontal training at the the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland (USA) and Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA). He has published and co-authored several articles on periodontal and implant related subjects. He held the position as chairman of the Dutch Society of Periodontology (NVvP) and representative for the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP). His special interest lies in the field of soft and hard tissue maintenance and reconstruction.


Andreas Nolte

Alemania, Münster

Andreas Nolte graduated as a Certified Dental Technician in Lübbecke in 1989 and worked at several dental laboratories through 1993. The following eight years he worked in an in-office laboratory. Following various stints in different areas of Germany and abroad in 2001 and 2002, he founded his own company Enamelum et Dentinum in Münster, where he has been running his own laboratory and training center since 2004. Nolte has authored several articles in dental and dental technology journals and has been a presenter on the international stage since 2000. He is a member of the editorial boards of Quintessenz Zahntechnik and Dental Dialogue and has been a member of “Group 65” for several years.